During your playthrough of Metal Gear Solid 5, you will come across some Side OPs you can do for extra money and Mother Base units. These start of simple but quickly get more difficult as the game goes on. Check out this Metal Gear Solid 5 Afghanistan side ops guide to help you complete them all!
You start off with a few and unlock more as you beat Side Ops and missions.
Take out the guy furthest back first, this should alert the other two to him but not you. Once they go to check him take out the other guy that ISN’T the sniper. This will leave you time to tranq the sniper and extract him. You could also choke the back guy out and tranq the sniper and the guy next to him as well. If you don’t have a sniper yet you can take this one.
This is the rock I hit behind to lure people towards me.
With D Dog all you have to do is use bark to get a couple guys to come after you. Without D Dog you need to use Mags and yourself to lure them in. I would get close enough for the ! to get over their heads and then run back. Once they got to the position they saw me I, I would toss a Mag to lure them in and take them down. If it was two I would use the trang gun with head shots so I didn’t alert anyone else. Once you have someone down, bring them up the the way you came in and extract them out. Even if you don’t think you will use them extract them, don’t want one waking up when you are trying to clear out the last couple guys.
You will have to move closer for the guys under the tent. Lure the ones out the outside and then take out the elite. He has a helmet on so you will need to shoot him in the face with the Tranq.
All you have to do is sneak up on him and Tranq his buddy. From there you can either grab or Tranq the target and extract him.
I used my Tranq sniper rifle to take down the whole camp. From there I went in and took the ones back to base I wanted and got out.
The guy is up on a roof so you will have to climb up there. You can Tranq him from a distance and then climb up at the front of the building. Watch out for the two guys patrolling near the building. I’d take them out to avoid being caught.
If you launch a guy up in a balloon and he sees you, alert, if you take him down and the other guy up there see him, alert. I worked my way around the outside with the tranq gun and took people down WITHOUT sending them back to base. Once I got close to the building I lured them the remaining enemies out one by one with mags and hid the bodies until it was just the two up top. Wait for the guy up top to be looking away form the ladder and go up, take them both down. Now you can send the prisoner back to base and any other soldiers you want to take. There is a radar station you can take down to get the chopper close to that base.
Bring the Tranq pistol and take down anyone who you think might see you. I got caught on my way back out, but if you stick to the right there are only a few guards in your way.
Go underneath the base and use the stairs and scaffolding to climb up to the bridge. You should see two guards by the prisoner, one in the tower and two on the bridge. Take the two on the bridge down first because they are most like to see you. If you plan on extracting anyone, wait until you do it with the prisoner. Once the bridge guards are down you can take the two near the prisoner. I ignored the tower guy because he didn’t know what was going on. I piled up who I wanted to extract, extracted them and got out before anyone knew what was going on.
Take out the troops and extract the prisoner.
To disarm a mine you need get behind it and hold the disarm button. D Dog will alert you when you are close to mines so you can keep your eyes open. Unlike previous MGS games yo don’t need to be prone to do this. This should be obvious, stay out of the red mine light to prevent blowing up. Once they are all disarmed you will beat the mission.
Like last time, get behind them and disarm them.
This will likely kill the men near there so if you want to capture any of them don’t use it. It takes around 6 shots to destroy the tank with the Mortar so keep firing from the safe spot to blow it up. The tank doesn’t move so you can just spam the button until it goes down.
I tranqed the two guys by the vehicle and then crawled to the vehicle. Once I was near it, I planted all my c4 and crawled away and blew it up. That alerted the reaming two soldiers and they came to me. I took them out and beat the mission.
I just crawled up to the vehicle and extracted it and took out the troops with explosives.
I ran after him and dove into him. I got up and CQCed him after that until he was stunned. He hit me once, it seems to stun you or something because you can’t get up right away. If he hits you he will run to try to take him down quickly.
He is at the top of the hill and you can Tranq him down in one shot. He tossed a weird smoke grenade at me but I avoided it and put him to sleep. I’m not sure if it damages you or what it does, avoid it none the less.
Now if you want to just clear out the base, that’s a fine option but it will take some time. You can sneak around the back of the base and go underneath to get inside. There will be two guys watching the prisoner and one at the hatch entrance you will use to get into the base. Take the first guy out and toss him into the hatch so no one sees him. The two inside need to be taken down quickly so they don’t alert anyone else. I used a tranq for both of them, headshots. Then I grabbed the prisoner and brought him outside and lifted him to base. They did see him go in the air but by the time they started searching I was already out of there.
I also had quite a few high level soldiers in the area that were worth taking. D Dog and his bark command can very very helpful during this mission, also you should go at night.
There are two prisoners in the same spot for this mission. I used D Dog to bark and lure soldiers to me one by one and took them down. If you don’t have D Dog you will have to do it the old fashion way, mags and yourself. Toss a mag and pop out so they come to your position. Take the ones you want home and leave the rest. If you don’t care about taking anyone just call in an attack chopper to do all the work for you.
left side and take out any enemies along the way, I had like 3 guys to deal with.
With a head shot from the Tranq sniper he will drop in a shot and you can avoid a fight. If you miss, try to use get him below you so he can’t swipe or charge you.
At the base you should see one red barrel near on of the troops. I lured both of them there with my Mag tossing and blew it up with a silenced rifle. When it blows up it won’t kill them but it will blow their helmets off. With their helmets off I tranqed both of them and captured them. If you don’t want to do that you can head shot them or go overkill and rocket them.
I worked my way around to his location and dropped down on almost on top of him. He has three guys protecting him but with the Tranq pistol and a silencer you can drop them all before they know whats going on. Grab the prisoner and get out without anyone being alerted.
Since there is only three, you can sneak up on them and knock them out of knife them if you didn’t bring a rocket launcher. I actually had D Dog stun one and when the others came around the corner I knifed them. Check their stats because one of them was an A++ for me.
I did end up getting caught this time before I could get the extraction going. I went in from the back and went under the fort to get inside. I slammed a door open and two guys were inside near the prisoner door so that’s how I got busted. If you don’t slam the door open, you should be able to take them both down without alerting anyone else. Grab the prisoner and get out after that.
If you come in from the south you can walk up to the door with little resistance. I had to take down three soldiers total on the way up there. Also don’t forget to the the Final Countdown tape from the player.
If you go along the right side of the mission area, you can only come across 5 or so enemies. There are 2 troops protecting the prisoner you will need to deal with, double head shots worked for me. He has to be carried to a chopper due to his injuries, just run out unless you didn’t clear the path.
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During your playthrough of Metal Gear Solid 5, you will come across some Side Ops you can do for extra money and Mother Base units. These start of simple but quickly get more difficult as the game