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Rake in the Profits by Selling World of Warcraft Novelty Items

Do you know what the best selling items on World of Warcraft are? Do you know what can rake in gold with ease and sell like hot cakes? Well, if you've read the title then you probably do - novelty items! 

In a nutshell, novelty items are simply fun items that players like to have purely for the 'novelty' factor of owning them. 

Typically, a perfect example of a novelty item would be the 'Orb of Deception'. This orb is actually a level 60 trinket that can be used to transform a player's character into one from the opposing faction. 

So even though you're really a night elf, you could run around as an undead for a while and maybe even shock your friends a little. Needless to say, it's a lot of fun and so putting one up for sale on the auction house is bound to attract attention. 

Yet another novelty item is the Piccolo of the Flaming Fire. Yes - it's a flute, but not just any flute! This amazing flute can be used to make everyone around you break out into an impromptu dance! 

Once again, this is a pretty rare novelty item, but it is one that can truly command a high price at the Auction House. 

All around World of Warcraft you'll find similar items of this variety, including things like pets that are (in some cases) considered to be extremely valuable. By keeping track of the prices of such things as and when they appear in the Auction House, you'll be able to figure out what is selling like hot cakes on your server. 

Having done that, the only thing that you need to do is figure out how you can get your hands on these novelty items and sell them! 

Partly, finding the sources for novelty items comes with experience. However, you could always look them up on websites such as WoWHead, which keep track of items as well as the locations where they dropped. 

Naturally, researching this type of information could really smooth the process along and you won't end up wasting as much time trying to learn where everything drops for yourself. 

One sure seller novelty item would be selling pets from one faction to players from the opposing faction. To do this, you'll need to go to a neutral auction house and list your items there so that the other faction can then buy them. 

Keep your eye open for more novelty items - who knows what you might find! So long as it's rare, cool, and something 'novel', you should have no problems putting it up for sale for a hefty price tag. 

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