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Selecting the Right Primary Profession to Take Up

One of the most confusing aspects for beginners to World of Warcraft is the profession system. With quite a number of choices, a lot of new players can't be blamed for feeling slightly lost and unsure of what they should select. 

Some go with their gut and end up choosing a profession that they think suits their class, only to find out later that they don't really like it at all. 

Here and now, we're going to help you to choose the right profession to take up, so that you don't end up making a mistake and wasting time leveling a profession that you don't really end up using at all. 

To begin with, there are two types of primary professions: Gathering professions, production professions and service professions. 

The gathering professions available are mining, herbalism, and skinning. On the other hand, the production professions include alchemy, blacksmithing, tailoring, leatherworking, jewelcrafting, and engineering. Lastly, the service professions are enchanting and inscriptions. 

Excluding the gathering professions for a minute, you'll find that most classes can benefit from most professions. Obviously, the main exceptions to this would be blacksmithing, tailoring, and leatherworking, where obviously it depends on whether your class is able to wear plate, mail, cloth, or leather. 

Choosing the 'right' primary profession can be tough, as each will have benefits. One important thing to remember though is that almost every production profession (except tailoring) requires a gathering profession to provide the materials that are needed. 

If you like, you could probably buy most of the materials you need from the Auction House, but that'll require a lot of money, which is going to be a concern for you - especially early on in the game. 

In fact, many experienced players select their profession while taking into account their money issues. As such, they choose only gathering professions early on, so that they can sell what they gather for some quick and easy cash. 

Then, once you're leveled up and money is less of an issue, you could pick up production and service professions and level them up with ease. 

Largely, your approach to picking your profession will depend on your style of play, and whether or not you're focused on leveling as fast as possible, or willing to go at a more leisurely pace. 

For really quick leveling, having cash is definitely advisable and so the dual-gathering professions approach works wonders. 

Be sure to take what you've just learnt into account and you should find that picking the right primary profession isn't too hard at all! 

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