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How To Steer clear of Being Scammed On Runescape

Runescape can be a massive 3d multiplayer adventure game by Jagex Ltd. with monsters to slay, quest to accomplish, and riches to win. Along with all of the fun having said that, are lots of people waiting to scam and steal all your wealth in the game if you're not careful.

Have you ever been SCAMMED on Runescape? - Meaning, have you ever been cheated? Well if you are like most men and women then the answer is possibly yes to that question. Well don't let it happen again! Here are some tricks which will support you stay away from being scammed.

When trading, normally double check the items/gold he is giving. Accept the trade window number 1, and then you will be moved on the Trade window number 2. On the trade window number 2, you'll see everything in clear detail. Be certain every thing is correct, and then click on ACCEPT, to finalize your trade.

I once tried to get a Rune Long Sword, I put my quantity of GPs into Trade, and he added the Rune Long Sword, now what he did was this: He quickly changed the Rune Long Sword with a Mithril Long Sword (which look similar) and pressed ACCEPT. I didn't actually pay attention, so I pressed ACCEPT too. After the Trade was accomplished, I realized, I got scammed!

Other stories I've heard are:

Player 1 wants to sell his Dragon Long Sword for 100k. Player2 adds 100k to the Trade Window, and then suddenly adds an Armor to it too. But although adding the Armor he takes out 90k from the 100k, which then ends up being 10k.

(image in guide)

Looks nearly the same huh? The Armor was added so that you can confuse the seller. The Seller will believe, "Cool, he adds an Armor for free". Although concentrating on the armor he doesn't notice that the money was changed from 100k to 10k! So always be careful.

Players occasionally supply to "DUPLICATE ITEMS" for you.

Listen; there is no way to duplicate items so Do not TRUST them. They will only steal your stuff and run away. The exact same can be said for people today claiming to "UPGRADE ITEM FOR FREE". Items can not be upgraded by other players within the game. This is an old scam that still pops up from time to time. Do not be fooled.

Another kind of scam is players advertising "FREE GEM CUTTING". Occasionally, they do it, but occasionally they just run away if your stuff.

Useful Information and facts to keep in mind: High leveled players are much less likely to steal your stuff, instead of the low leveled players. This is for the reason that by 'cheating' they put their account in danger, and for that reason may well get banned. A low leveled player wouldn't mind so much, but the high leveled 1 who has worked long and hard won't jeopardize his account!

So basically, higher rated players can typically be trusted more than low level players.

Ever heard of Team Rip Off?

It works like this. Two players who know each other are inside the exact same place. Player 1 shouts "TRADING DRAGON Lengthy FOR 100 Swordfish". Everybody who sees this provide will get excited, mainly because the Dragon Long is worth about 100k! Whilst 100 Swordfish are only worth about 40k. So now the other members try to get 100 Swordfish, and here is where Player 2 comes into the game. Player 2 advertises "SELLING 100 SWORDFISH, 80k.", which is totally over priced, but since the Members want that Dragon Long they buy the Swordfish and then go to Player1 and give to Trade. Player 1 will reply with "Never mind". The person who bought the Swordfish got ripped off for about 50k!!!

I've seen this happen myself. I didn't obviously fall for this trick, but I watched silently. The player then who bought the Swordfish was actually mad. He was shouting around like a Wild man, so please don't fall for this inexpensive trick.

Just be careful. Runescape is full of men and women who attempt to cheat. Stay away from them and everything will be alright.

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