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Benefits of Online Video Games

According to a study conducted by Sony Online Entertainment, parents in entire America are slowly waking up to the benefits of video games for their kids. Parents have noticed improvement in hand – eye coordination, typing skills and even problem solving.

Strategic Thinking

Apart from providing essential educational inputs to the kids, they also learn how to think strategically since they have to think tactically during the game while following rules at the same time. They are also required to make quick decisions and attain many objectives before they win the game. About 70% of parents reported substantial improvement in the problem solving skills of their kids after they were exposed to online video games. Some families have also reported increase in combined video game time in which entire family spends time playing video games together. Even children are finding it interesting to play online video games with their parents despite the difference in experience levels.

Parental Control

Parents say they exercise final control over what games their children get to play, since they purchase all the video games played by their kids. Even adults during their normal lives overuse certain brain parts whereas they don’t use other parts at all. Anybody who plays games based on memory, speed, logic and reasoning you can easily improve working of those parts of the brain which are used less. Studies conducted on online video games suggest games based on logic, trivia, puzzle and memory can save you from dementia when you grow old.

Body and the Brain

For kids, these very challenges improve their cognitive development. Requirement of memory and speed in certain games do not pose enough challenge to a teenager, whereas requirement of logic and reasoning definitely does. Those concerned about physical development of the child can easily balance physical play along with online games to provide healthy balance between body and the brain.


Good story lines, mental challenges and cooperation attract players towards video games. Social interaction required during the games provides mental stimulation and much needed social skills to the kids playing online games. While interacting online with other players, kids form both meaningful as well as casual relationships with other players. Through these online communities and multi player games, players get to meet new people and strengthen existing relationships. They enjoy the game even more when they are chatting with competitors and partners during the game. Over coming difficult challenges with the help of a partner is as satisfying in online games as it is in the real world.

Even family members and friends located miles apart, stay in contact through multi player online games. Today even grandsons and grad fathers are battling at out online over chess or other common games.