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Understanding Social Networking

Social Networking can be considered as one of the greatest innovations in the Internet today. It was originally used to provide a community wherein people could share information. Now, however, it provides the means for numerous things like information dissemination, selling products and playing games.

Social networking is mostly about socializing online. Through it, millions of people around the world are able to share their interest and information with each other. Facebook is an ideal example with over 500 million registered users and it continues to expand and grow. Social networking sites have become more efficient in providing users with useful information, tips, relationships, entertainment and the like. These sites have made it easier for people to connect online and through this establish new relationships and communities.

The discussion of social media and networking tends to focus on the myriad of possibilities and opportunities that such a global network opens up, which is something that excites many different sectors. The ability to connect and cross cultural and geographic barriers alone has proven its worth, providing people more chances to understand others. The Internet and social networking systems have also become hubs for commercial interests, of both a local and international nature. Online services like Amazon and e-Bay have made significant changes to the way people buy and sell products and services. Even social networking sites have come to embrace e-commerce, though the process is a slow one.

It’s a known fact that online networking has become prolific – mainstream sites like Facebook, business sites like LinkedIn, educational sites like Ezine, TV series reviews like Miso, cyclists sites like Pedal room, blood donor sites like i-Blood, there are endless options. Because of this, most people recognize social networking sites as the perfect place to socialize and meet new people.

Another advantage of using social networking in terms of business is that users tend to be loyal to a certain brand or service. Hence, marketers find ways to make their advertising appeal more to the people on the Internet. In the first place, social networking exists because of advertisers willing to pay big amount of money to reach online users.

Clearly, it has become a difficult task to define what social networking is because it’s evolving so quickly out of control. Its purposes have become limitless. Having said that, before you jump in, you have to consider what you can do with social networks first.

In its original conception, a social network is really little more than a group of people that have similar interests and tastes, forming a community in itself. There are no real limitations on what they might actually be doing within that network - doing business, sharing experiences or just simple socializing. The networks thrive off of user contribution, drawing on the human desire to share, create, explore and comment. Does modern social networking accomplish that goal? The answer for that is hard to determine.