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How to transform a marriage into a happy marriage?

When it comes to a happy marriage, you might be convinced with this statement, “Happy marriage is a relationship that may shake sometimes but it never sinks”.
Two persons who are in a special relationship and have decided to live together for the rest of their lives may have conflicts some time. They may have differences in opinions on a particular subject. They may have different attitudes but one thing always exists and that is care and respect for each other.
A marriage can never be assumed as happy unless both of the partners are not only emotionally bonded but they also never loose their natural peacefulness even in the times of crisis.
It is well said that crisis judges a person.
How a person behaves in tough time? How he maintains his strength even during gloomy days? Does he take sound decision in the moments of despair?
As an individual is judged in the bad phase of life, in the same way a relationship in particular a marriage is also judged in bad time.
Sensible couples will remember their bright days in which they were happy together. They will take strength from each other.
In a happy marriage one becomes transmitter of positive energy whereas the other half as a receiver that receives that positivity. This switching between receiver and transmitter depends upon the basic nature of the person. The one who is a good listener can act as a receiver and the one who is extrovert can transmit the positivity easily with his motivating speech and gestures.
We have launched some psychology based love games that acts as a support to live life happily.
In these love games you will find a way to solve the conflicts. These love games are none other than a type of questionnaire which you have to answer honestly after thinking. Based on these answers, this questionnaire will tell you about your exclusive couple type which in turn will educate you about your strengths and weaknesses.
By this stage you might be familiar with your attitude hence you can easily avoid those circumstances that makes you irritated. You can also be in a better position at the instances of conflicts and despair. You can now discuss the bitter issues with your partner without any hesitation. Thus these love games are very beneficial for your love life.
These love games are prepared by top psychologist and researchers of Switzerland and United States, who have a good understanding about human behavior.
Psychology based these love games are easy to understand and play. Since they are related to the basic human nature you will not have any difficulty in answering them. By playing these love games you will be able to understand the meaning of relationship better. What your partner wants from you? What annoys him or her? Why his mood turns off? How can you avoid the situations that hurt you and your partner? All these issues can be addressed in the amazing love game which our human behavior experts have designed exclusively for couples who are engaged, couples who are dating or those couples who are in love.