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World of Warcraft 6.1 Preview: Fortress and Fortress Followers Some Related Changes

The new fortress quest props - Luke Ma (Firehawk world boss) Feather: give followers "epic speed", similar to the special edition Hearthstone master epic mount.Meanwhile, we will provide very OP wow gears, pay a visit if you like. New wow items can serve your needs too!

Jones exclusive specialty - Instructor: peer followers will get combat effectiveness of the followers, followers guess is the peer level / equipment, etc. and Jones mentioned the same.
Jones exclusive skills - Explore Masters: g danger zone. But specifically mentioned in the caption of the beast knowledge and terrain to explore, do not have additional effects? Buy wow items here is a surely wise choice for yah!

Legendary followers Garona, lifting the dog egg on her mind control will go to your fortress reported mined.

Comes Sap (deadly minions) + dodge (whack) + death marks (limited combat).
Comes with exclusive specialty - the assassination of the master: greatly improve the success rate for all targets.

Specialty epic mount comes with washable.
The initial equipment and other 630.
Harrison Jones, three hotels treasure hunter quest.

Comes with exclusive skills g danger zone. Comes scavengers and exclusive specialty tutor (described below: Portal ).
Followers trafficking:

New props - fortress Patrol Report: random to give you a new task, 10 Maxima waiting.
New props - the task is completed instruction: Direct complete a task properly due in 24 hours with the task.

New props -XX rush orders: Direct orders completed five different buildings require different props.

New props - heavy weight training skills and training expertise: weight training after two separate permits from the new fortress tasks. New props - Knowledge Collection: add experience to his followers from the new fortress tasks.

Blackstone Bags: 665/680/695, require equipment such as 660. New archaeological mission: not just the tub finally debris that point in the dregs.

Pippi (Pepe, right) related achievements: kill all the Delano with Pippi dungeon / world / raid leader "is really a wonderful cross-dimensional travel" to award you can always call your flute Pippi to flicker. Followers can gain experience from completed work orders.

There are CD player, you can change the background music fortress fortress, an optional piece of information is the theme song of all, you may need to collect props to activate. You can call in the fortress of 10-40 people some special boss (all new boss, call mode is unknown).

Harrison Jones will be a treasure hunter task reward, but not the words of someone three hotel yet.
1300 Platinum fortress invasion and a new bag (660 falling equipment), it is estimated the next level would be called Most6King it.

Limit the damage combat + population, strong spells + magic debuffs, hit + hazardous areas, damage + populations of wild monster invasion minions besieged + danger zone, minions besieged + magic debuffs, deadly fighting minions + limit.

Limit damage combat + population, strong spells + magic debuffs, hit + hazardous areas, damage + populations of wild monster invasion minions besieged + danger zone, minions besieged + magic debuffs, deadly minions + wild monster invasion.

In fact, these two former six are also the same, only the last one there is a difference, we get up early to prepare. Here did not consider the new orange followers, did not consider the impact of the addition of a variety.
