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Top 10 Gaming Myths

Myths, legends and gaming fables, you hear them all the time, well you did before you could check everything instantly on the internet. But some stories still pass the test of time and seep into the collective unconscious so that they almost become true. Except they’re not. So enjoy this list because there are some video game stories that just can't be true, or can they? Ahh...

Naked Lara Croft

Gaming's first 'It girl' made a massive impression on the imagination of the young boys who got their hands all over her, er, controls and, sod it, triangular baps. But imagination can only take you so far and so began rumours of the elusive 'make Lara naked and then she will love you' code. Of course there was no code and aside from jiggering around with PC code there was no way to see an angular Lara naked. You could make her explode, however, and that was always fun.

Myth?: Yes