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The Perfect PSP2 Launch Line

The internet has whipped itself up into frothy frenzy today, with all the major news sources reporting that genuine details of the PSP2 are only days away. We've been suffering from a serious bout of hype fever, debating what we'd most like to see released with the console in a perfect world.

For the record, we're writing these under the assumption that the current rumours are to be believed: ridiculously high hardware specifications, a beautiful screen and two analogue sticks. We'll just have to wait a while to see if that turns out to be the case.

Call of Duty

Activision's been pumping out annual Call of Duty games on the DS since Call of Duty 4's diminutive version sold bucketloads - so it's not like the publisher is averse to the handheld market. If people are correct in the prediction that the PSP2 will be more powerful than Jesus, then we'd definitely want to see a luscious version of wherever we're going (outer space? Leicester? Kazakhstan?) in this year's inevitable instalment.