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Most Anticipated of E3: Emily

E3 is all but upon us, and the hype trains are running totally out of control. Remember that bit at the end of Back to the Future Part III? That's what they're like this year. Where we're going, we don't need roads... although we sort of do, actually, because Los Angeles is like one giant freeway with a few shops next to it.

In this series of articles, staff members single out some of the games they're most eager to see at this year's show. Today it's Emily's turn.

The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim

Skyrim: My heart beats only for you.

The game was officially announced last December at the lad-centric television event Spike Video Game Awards and the results were twofold: a rush of puns on the Internet that rivalled's comments section for Penetrating Wagner's "Ring", and my own slack-chinned glee. Little can break into this ice cold rock of my journalist heart, readers, but after that trailer I think maybe...maybe...I can love again.

The game is being developed by Bethesda, which has been nurturing the Elder Scrolls series since the 90s. Interestingly, it's not being billed as a sequel to 2006's Oblivion - the most recent offering to the franchise. The game's executive producer has been describing the Skyrim world as a combination of the earlier Elder Scrolls Arena and Dagger, while its art director has hinted that Skyrim will be very different to the series' 2006 entry.

What do we actually know about the game so far? The designers have already implied they want to develop a more realistic experience, we know dragons are included, we know the legitimately brilliant Max Von Sydow (also known as "that one from The Seventh Seal and The Exorcist", cinema fans) has been hired on for character dialogue. We also know Oblivion had been called one of the best RPGs ever made, so you're right to assume my fingers are tightly crossed on this one.