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Most Anticipated of E3: Tom

E3 is all but upon us, and the hype trains are running totally out of control. Remember that bit at the end of Back to the Future Part III? That's what they're like this year. Where we're going, we don't need roads... although we sort of do, actually, because Los Angeles is like one giant freeway with a few shops next to it.

In this series of articles, staff members single out some of the games they're most eager to see at this year's show. Today it's Tom's turn.


This isn't a game, but I don't care. I'm excited about the NGP, and the prospect of finally seeing some games that we'll get in the near future. Over the past year I've grown fonder of handheld gaming thanks to my iPod Touch, but there's still a gap in the market: I've wanted a handheld with two analogue sticks for donkey's years, and now such a device is almost upon us. The lack of twin-stick controls blighted the PSP, and the importance of their inclusion here can't be understated.

Call of Duty has already been announced for the system, and we know this won't be a cheap cash-in like we've seen on the DS and PSP over the years. Games like Uncharted should play like their big home console brothers, and hopefully dodgy camera control in handheld action games will be a thing of the past. I managed to get mildly excited about the 3DS, despite the fact that none of the launch games really interested me, but the NGP should obliterate Nintendo's offering if it has even a smattering of good launch titles. I'd settle for Uncharted and WipEout, but a launch day CoD would be the icing on the cake.