The Requisitions in Dragon Age Inquisition will help you gain influence and power for the War Table. These are basically loot collecting quests that can be found in most of the areas. This guide will help you find all of them and beat them with no trouble at all!
Hinterlands Puzzle Box Requisition – Once you get to the Hinterlands you should see a ! on your map near the camp. You will need 5 Ram skins, 5 Obsidian, 3 Drakestones and 1 Crystal grace. Ram skins can be found all over The Hinterlands. The Drakestones are also in the Hinterlands inside caves, they are red stones. I found my Crystal Grace in the north part of the Hinterlands in the Wolf Hollow. The Obsidian can be found in the Dragon’s Nest. There is a high level Dragon in that area so you might need to wait until you are level 10+
Hinterlands Field Tents Requisition – This takes 5 Silk and 5 Lambswool to complete. I found these on various enemies throughout the Hinterlands.
Hinterlands Geological Survey Requisition – Another one you can get from the scout in The Hinterlands. This one takes 10 Iron and 5 Drakestones which can both be found on the mountain side in The Hinterlands.
Blue Vitriol Survey In The Mire – Speak to the scout at the camp when you arrive at The Fallow Mire to get this Requisition. You will need 20 Blue Vitriol and 10 Summer Stone to complete this quest. I had more than enough from my adventures in the Hinterlands to complete this. If you need some both can be found on the mountain sides in this area.
Elixer Requisition In The Mire – This one takes 5 Elfroot and 5 Diseased Tissue. You should have enough Elfroot from the Hinterlands. You can find the tissue on corpses scattered around the area. I literally had to run around clicking the stick in to find the copses near the waters edge. After I finished this one once I got it over and over again.
Anitvenom – You will need 10 Elfroot and 5 Spider Ichor for this quest. The Elfroot can be found all over the place and you most likely already have 10. The Spider Ichor can be found on dead spiders in the caves near the beach. It isn’t a 100% drop rate but I had enough by the time I beat the area. This can be done multiple times.
Mercy’s Crest – I’m not sure if I got this from the War Room or when I got to the Storm Coast but I had it when I looked at my table. You will need 2 Serpent Stones and 1 Deepstalker hide. The Serpent Stone can be found on the mountain side near in The Storm Coast and the Deepstalkers can be found in the cave north west of the starter camp in The Storm Coast. You will get the Amulet which will give you + 1 power when you use it. I’m not sure if it can be used elsewhere so I decided to keep mine for now.
Rare Alloys Requisition – This takes 4 Paragon’s Luster and 4 Serpent Stones. Both of these are ore climbs you can find while exploring the Oasis.
Iron Survey In Crestwood – You need 20 Iron and 10 Obsidian for this mission. You can find Iron all over and Obsidian in the caves around the area.
Inquisition Propaganda – You will need 1 Druffalo Hide and 5 Emberium for this mission. You can find the Druffalo near the farms in this area. The Emberium is all over and you will find enough while you are doing the missions here.
Exalted Plains Geological Survey – Another mining mission. You will need to find 10 Veridum and 4 Bloodstones in the area to complete this one.
Western Approach Geological Survey – Starting to see the pattern yet? Yet again just go find the ore in this area to beat this mission. You need 10 Lazurite and 20 Paragon’s Luster.
Emerald Graves Geological Sruvey – You need 20 Pyrohite and 1 Everite to beat this mission. The Pyrophite is common but the Everite is kind of rare so check around the mine area for it.
Giant Lure – This one takes 3 Ring Velvet and 10 Deep Mushrooms. The Deep Mushrooms are the plants in the area and the Ring Velvet can be found on humanoid enemies.
I didn’t realize the Logging Stands and Quarries were needed for these so I didn’t mark the ones I had down. If you know where any are please leave a comment.
According to Chaos you can get them from the Advanced Scout Inquisition Perk(Big thanks to Chaos for gathering most of this up for us). Remember on the map they count as location spots(pyramid symbols).
Logging Stand 1 – You can find a Logging Stand in Emprise Du Lion. Go to the village near the start of the area and from there go north east until you see a windmill on the river. Below the windmill you can claim the Logging Stand.
Logging Stand 2 – Someone commented that one is in Haven where the buffalo and rams and stuff are cavorting. This one is used in Haven, remember if you use it for something you lose it. (by Gillian and Chaos)
Logging Stand 3 – There’s one in the Hinterlands as well actually, Near the south(Thanks SpookyIntention and Chaos)
Quarry 1+2 – There are two quarries in the Western Approach right near each other. I think in the southwest-ish area if I remember correctly. They also are not labeled on the map at all, but one of them is also a landmark so there is that, I guess.(Thanks at0mic22 and Chaos)
Quarry 3 – There’s a quarry one at the storm coast, near the furthest camp in the area. (Thanks Chaos)
Quarry 4 – Also, Northwest most point and southeast Hinterlands. (Thanks Chaos)
Quarry 5 – There is a quarry in Crestwood, due south of the Caer Bronach at the very edge of the map. (Thanks to Heather Westerberg Doiron for the comment.)
Skyhold Garden – You find all of these in your bedroom. You need 1 logging Stand 30 Elfroot, 30 Spindleweed and 30 Blood Lotus to complete this requisition.
Main Watchtower – This one takes 3 Logging Stands, Quarries and 3 Spirit essence. The essence is found on high level demons I believe.
Courtyard Upgrade – You need 2 Quarries, 2 Logging Stands and 30 Elfroot for this upgrade. I am looking for the materials still.
I am updating this as I go along so check back soon for updates! If you know one I missed leave a comment, they seem to change from time to time.
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