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Bloodborne - Explore Hunter's Dream, Find the Tiny Music Box and Defeat Father Gascoigne

The doll to the left of your spawn point is now standing up. Speak to her in order to level up your character using Blood Echoes. There's also another gift from Messengers to the right of the doll. You receive a Beckoning Bell and Silencing Blank used to summon and dismiss Hunters from other worlds (multiplayer). Head into the building at the top to repairs and upgrade your weapons if you wish. When you're done in the Hunter's Dream area, return to the Central Yharnam lamp.

Central Yharnam

Head back through the gate to the left and down both flights of stairs. Go down the next set of stairs in the far left corner to find two more Brick Brutes. One of them drops three Shining Coins (illuminate a dark area so you can lock-on), but try to engage one at a time by getting their attention and then backing up to the stairs until they separate.

There's a switch in the room down the stairs, but you can't activate it yet. Make note of its location, as you'll come back here once the switch is operable. For now, head up the stairs to the right. When you reach the top, if you go down the stairs immediately to the right you'll reach a door that leads back to the room with the Wheelchair Blunder.

You don't need to head back just yet, so go left instead and head up the stairs to the right. At the end of the broken staircase is a body that holds another Coldblood Dew. Go back down the stairs and continue down the next flight of stairs directly ahead. In this area and down the stairs to the left are several cages with Hounds in them. Once the Hounds notice you it won't take long for them to break the cages and attack. Quickly run over to each cage and attack the Hounds while they're held captive to make this area much easier to navigate.

Once all of the Hounds are cleared, continue through the lower section and look for the path to the left just before the bridge (it's easy to miss). There's another Hound down this path, as well as a corpse that holds another Coldblood Dew. Continue across the bridge and kill the Hound just beyond, then knock on the door to the left by the red lantern. The lady inside requests that you find her a safe place. You haven't encountered one yet, but remember the location of this door.

Make your way down the stairs to the right, then continue down the next set of stairs just ahead to find a Hunchback. This enemy has relatively long range and attacks multiple times in a row before pausing. Wait until it stops attacking, then move in to kill it.

Keep moving down the stairs and into the room below. Head right and walk slowly towards the Hunchback that has its back to you. If you sneak up properly (no running) you can use a Charge Attack on its back to score a critical hit and finish it off quickly. Be mindful of the Henchman with a rifle to the far left of the Hunchback. When you engage the Hunchback it will almost certainly start attacking as well. Clear out the Hunchback and then make quick work of the Henchman.

To the right of the Henchman's location is a body that holds another Coldblood Dew. There's a doorway at the end of the path here, but before you head through it, take care of the Hunchback on the other side of the room.

There are two Henchmen in the next room, both with rifles. There's also a Hunchback in the area. You'll also find a ladder just beyond the entrance, but you need to clear the room before you go down. Take down the Henchmen first so you don't have to deal with their gunshots, then focus on the Hunchback. On the far left side of the room (from the entrance) there's a corpse that holds another Coldblood Dew. Pick it up, then head down the path across from where you came in to reach the far side of the room.

Along the way you'll encounter four Crazed Crows. After the last Crow there's a bridge, but before you cross, look down and to the right to see a corpse with an item below. Line yourself up with the item and drop down. Don't worry, even if you miss you won't die. The corpse holds a Blood Stone Shard, so if you don't care about that continue on your way. If you do, pick up the item then head back up to where you just were.

Take the bridge to the left and cross back to the side you started on. Head right to find two more Crows next to a few crates and boxes. Clear away the crates to find a corpse that holds two Oil Urns. This clears the room, so head back to the ladder near the entrance to this area and climb down.

When you reach the bottom head right (from the perspective of facing the ladder), then go left down the first corridor. The next room is lined with elevated rooms filled with Giant Rats. They're about as tough as the Crows but they will leap at you from a distance. While it's unlikely, they may drop down and attack, so be ready just in case. At the end of the corridor are two Giant Rats guarding a body that holds another Madman's Knowledge.

Go back down the corridor to the ladder and continue straight ahead. At the end of the path, look to the right to see two ladders. Climb up the ladder on the right to find several Crazed Crows at the top. Take them out, then search the corpse at the end of the balcony to obtain a Madman's Knowledge (gain Insight). Head in the opposite direction and across the bridge to find a Club Brute. This is essentially the same as the Brick Brute, just with a better weapon. You can sneak up behind it for a Charge Attack followed by a critical strike for an easy kill.

Knock on the door on the opposite side if you like. The woman inside won't open the door, and she has some "kind" words for you as well. Head up the ladder to the right of where the Brute was standing and pull the lever at the top to open the gate ahead. To the left of the lever is a window next to a red lantern. Interact with the window to speak to the child inside. If you agree to find her mother you'll receive a Tiny Music Box (plays music).

This gate links back to the courtyard where you fought the first Brick Brute. With the shortcut unlocked, head back down the ladder, across the bridge and down the next ladder to the right. You're now back at the area with two ladders from before. This time, climb down the ladder to the right to find several Undead Crawlers surrounding a corpse. You can use a Molotov here to inflict significant damage to most of the enemies, but aside from their long reach there isn't much to worry about. You can run up and attack them with ease. One of the Crawlers drops a Bold Hunter's Mark (avoid losing Blood Echoes) and the corpse in the middle holds 10 Quicksilver Bullets.

Continue down the waterway in the opposite direction to find Crows above and a few more Crawlers in the water. You can shoot the Crawlers or get close enough to make them drop down into the water. Head down the stairs at the end to find several more Crawlers dead ahead. Finish them off, then look down the short hall to the right to find one more Crawler next to a corpse that holds another Blood Stone Shard.

Keep moving down the waterway to find two more Crows above. Take them out, then look for the ladder just ahead and to the right. There's also a tunnel directly ahead, but we'll come back to that in a moment.

Go up the ladder to find stairs directly ahead and a doorway to the left. The doorway to the left leads to a lever. This operates the lift just ahead. When the lift is not there, pull the lever to bring it back down. At this point the lift should be available, and leads back to the balcony with the two Brick Brutes.

The stairs eventually lead to the next boss, Father Gascoigne. However, going this route skips a Saw Hunter Badge key item and another Coldblood Dew. If you wish to skip these items proceed across the bridge, but watch out for the boulder ahead. There are several Henchmen on the bridge that head toward you, but shortly after you engage them a large flaming boulder barrels across the bridge. You can run back to the start of the bridge and duck to either side, or duck into the small alcoves on either side near the middle of the bridge.

If you want to go directly to the boss, skip the next two paragraphs, otherwise head back to the ladder and climb down to the area where the tunnel was. Move slowly into the tunnel ahead. At the end of the tunnel is a Crazed Pig. It will charge at you from a distance and use a damaging bite attack if you get too close. Wait just outside of the tunnel for the Pig to charge, then battle it in the waterway where you have a bit more room to maneuver. After it charges you have time to quickly move behind it and land a Charge Attack.

The Pig drops two Blood Vials for your troubles. Collect the items, then head back into the tunnel. Halfway down there's a small room with two bodies. Search the bodies to obtain a Saw Hunter Badge (key item) and another Coldblood Dew. Continue down the waterway until you reach a small opening to the left just before the end. Head through the opening, then up the ladder to the right.

You're now at the area where a Henchman and a Brick Brute drop the large flaming boulder on the bridge. The bridge is to the right, but take out the enemies if you haven't already and head up the stairs to the left to find two more Hunchbacks at the top. Slay the enemies, then search the body behind them to find two more Bold Hunter's Marks. Head up the stairs on the far side and continue straight ahead to trigger a cut-scene followed by the boss battle against Father Gascoigne.

Boss Battle: Father Gascoigne

Reward: Oedon Tomb Key

Father Gascoigne is a hunter and therefore attacks like a hunter. He essentially has the same attacks as you do, which means you'll have to dodge combos of two to four attacks and he will attempt to interrupt your combos with his gun. When Father Gascoigne is not stunned, attack with two quick normal attacks, then immediately dodge. Father Gascoigne almost always attempts to interrupt your combos with his gun after getting hit twice in rapid succession. With proper timing and enough stamina you can use a quick two-hit normal attack combo, followed by a dodge, then another two-hit combo before moving away to replenish your stamina.

If you picked up the Tiny Music Box along the way to Father Gascoigne, this boss battle is considerably easier. When you use the Tiny Music Box on Father Gascoigne it causes him to writhe in pain. This gives you time to move around behind him and execute a Charge Attack followed by a critical strike. You do need to time your use of the Tiny Music Box. You need to make sure you don't get hit while using it and that you're close enough to Father Gascoigne. If you're too far away or you get hit in the process, you won't have time to circle around to his back and fully charge your Charge Attack. It's best to use the Tiny Music Box immediately after dodging an attack.

You can use the Tiny Music Box approximately three times before Father Gascoigne transforms into a beast. He'll transform no matter what when he reaches roughly 50 percent health, so try to make the Tiny Music Box count before the transformation. After the transformation you can only use the Tiny Music Box once before it becomes virtually ineffective.

While in beast form Father Gascoigne is far more aggressive, but he will no longer interrupt your attacks since he doesn't have the use of his gun. You can also stun him with a well-time gunshot while he's in either form. Just make sure your shot is timed to connect while he's winding up an attack. If your timing is off you'll both get hit or the gunshot won't interrupt Father Gascoigne's attack.

Try to stay close to Father Gascoigne while he's in beast form, but as soon as you see him unleash a barrage of claw strikes, back away and let him finish. He can inflict a lot of damage in a very short amount of time if you get hit by any of his combos, so stay alert and dodge behind him if you get into trouble. If you're too far away from Father Gascoigne he will use a jumping attack that covers a lot of range, so be ready to dodge if you see him head into the air.

For the most part, as long as you stay behind him you won't have too much to worry about while he's in beast mode. You can also make use of the environment by staying behind the graves that litter the area. Keep in mind Father Gascoigne has a lot of range in beast mode, so don't stand too close to the graves even if they seem to be blocking Father Gascoigne. If you'd rather not have to deal with the graves, you can run up the stairs on the far side and fight him on the balcony above.

Gamers can continue with their adventure by, heading back to our awesome Bloodborne guide, including tips to defeat each boss. If you'd like to jump right in and continue the journey, we can show you how to Find the Hunter Attire, Explore Old Yharnam and Defeat the Blood-starved Beast.