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Metal Gear Solid 5: Red Brass

This walkthrough will show you how to get an S Rank score in the Red Brass mission of Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain. In addition, we will list all of the primary and optional objectives, but it should be noted you do not need to complete them all for the S Rank, although it doesn’t hurt. To earn an S Rank on any particular mission, you must get a score of 130,000 or more. The easiest way to do this is by completing the mission as quickly as possible, as the time bonus will result in a much higher score.


  • Eliminate the commander from Wailo Village (Mandatory).
  • Eliminate the commander from Shago Village (Mandatory).
  • Eliminate the commander from Wakh Sind Barracks (Mandatory).
  • Extract the commander and all soldiers in the vehicle from Wakh Sind Barracks (Optional).
  • Extract all three commanders (Optional).
  • Listen to the end of the commanders’ conversation (Optional).
  • Extract the two prisoners held at Da Ghwandai Khar (Optional).


Begin by choosing the landing zone to the south of Da Wialo Kallai. We went with an infiltration time of 18:00 hours so that we could operate in the darkness, which should always be a consideration as you are getting ready for an operation.

Once you get your boots on the ground, bring up your iDROID and set a waypoint along the road a little south of Da Wialo Kallai. One of the commanders will be traveling in a jeep with two bodyguards, and their route takes them from Da Shago Kallai to Da Wialo Kallai. You can actually position your horse, D-Horse, on the road to stop the convoy, and then start taking out the vehicle’s occupants with your tranquilizer gun. If things go badly you can kill the commander, but if at all possible you want to extract him.

There will be a second commander who travels from the Wakh Sind Barracks to Da Wialo Kallai, and even though it is possible to get him prior to his arriving at his destination, it’s extremely difficult. Your best bet at this point is to make your way to Da Wialo Kallai and take care of the remaining two commanders at the meeting place.

Depending on your timing, the final two commanders will be wandering around the village, or at the meeting place. The meeting place is a small building on the east side of the main road. If you look at your iDROID, you should see a red circle that indicates the approximate location of the commanders. Our suggestion is to infiltrate the village, and then just work your way through the area with your tranquilizer dart at the ready. If you’re spotted, just make sure to put your foe to sleep before they can alert their friends.

If you would like to complete the optional objective of extracting the two prisoners that are being held at Da Ghwandai Khar, you might want to deploy closer to that village, deal with them, and then make your way to the meeting point. Once you have dealt with the three commanders, leaving the mission area will end the operation, leaving you no opportunity to deal with the prisoners. Just keep in mind that if you do go after the prisoners first, you likely won’t have time to intercept any of the traveling commanders while they’re still on the road, but you can still head to their meeting place.

If you’re struggling to get the S Rank, remember that many modifiers beyond just completing the objectives come into play. For example, not restarting from any checkpoints is worth 5,000, and no kills is worth the same amount. If you complete the mission without triggering Reflex Mode (where time slows as an enemy spots you) then you’ll get an additional 10,000 points. The biggest modifier, however, is the time bonus that you get for completing the mission quickly.

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