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Metal Gear Solid 5: Angel with Broken Wings

This walkthrough will show you how to get an S Rank on the mission An Angel with Broken Wings, part of the Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain main story. The walkthrough will also list each of the mandatory and optional objectives, although the latter are not required to earn an S Rank. In order to get the highest rating possible, you only need to get 130,000 points, which can be earned through in-mission bonuses. The biggest possible bonus of all of these is your time bonus, so completing the mission quickly should be your top priority.


  • Extract the Mujahedeen prisoner called Malak (Mandatory).
  • Extract the armored escort vehicle (Optional).
  • Extract the three prisoners held at Lamar Khaate Palace (Optional).
  • Extract the two prisoners held at Yakho Oboo Supply Outpost (Optional).
  • Listen to the last conversation between the truck driver and Malak (Optional).


For this operation, we advise that you use the landing zone to the south of the Lamar Khaate Palace, choosing a mission time of 18:00 hours. This will give you the cover of darkness, and since we’re going to be skipping about 10 steps during this mission, that’s ideal.

Rather than spend time tracking the prisoner, we’re just going to tell you where he is. He’s leaving the Lamar Khaate Palace in a jeep, with an armored vehicle tagging along for support. All you’re going to need for this mission is your suppressed primary weapon, as well as your D-Horse and some C4. If you manage to follow our guide, you’ll be done in about five or six minutes at most.

Ride your horse through the desert, keeping the Lamar Khaate Palace to the west. Your ultimate goal is to be on the road that leads out of the palace to the northeast. If you hurry to get there, you will intercept the convoy that is escorting the prisoner away.

Stay a little way up the road and look toward the outpost. You should see the convoy getting ready to leave, and you can confirm using your binoculars. You’ll need to plant some C4 on the road, and then move behind it a short distance. The goal here is to let the lead jeep pass the C4, shooting the driver and front seat passenger out with your primary. When the armored vehicle pulls up behind it, blow it up with the C4. From here you should be able to jump into the jeep, call your helicopter, and then drive to the landing zone.

Keep in mind that it does take a minute or two for your extraction helicopter to arrive, so you might want to call it prior to the mission ending. This will cut down on your completion time, and that is all that you need in order to pass this mission with an S Rank. We have skipped so many steps that the time we’re posting is more than enough to get the top score by itself.

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