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Destiny: The Taken King - Hunter Subclass Quests Guide

This page will show you how to complete the Hunter subclass quests that are part of Destiny: The Taken King. These quests exist for each subclass of the three class types, and completing them will result in players earning unique rewards. We’ll detail those rewards here, as well as guide you through the completion of each stage.

It should be noted, however, that if you’re reading this prior to September 15, 2015, you may want to hold off on completing these quests, as they apparently will not drop the rewards that you stand to earn. We can’t confirm this, but we’re hearing that the quests are bugged. Study up on how to beat them now, and then knock them out when The Taken King officially launches.

Path of the Bladedancer Quest

Although there are eight steps, four of them are nothing more than visiting with Cayde-6.

You can obtain this quest by visiting Cayde-6 in the Hall of Guardians at the Tower. Once you accept the quest there will be several steps, and between each one you’ll have to return and speak with Cayde-6 to get further instructions.

Slay Enemies: The first part of this quest is very simple, only requiring that you defeat 50 enemies with your Arc Blade, grenade or melee attack. Rather than worry too much about powering through this, just let it happen as you naturally play the game. If you’re looking to speed things along, spawn into the patrol option on Earth and work the enemies scattered around the Steppes. You should be able to finish this in about 10 minutes of work.

Create Orbs of Light: For the second part of the quest you’ll need to generate 25 Orbs using your Arc Blade. It’s going to take a bit longer than the first part, but that’s how progression works. Again, you can just use your Bladedancer subclass and let this happen naturally, or you can try forcing it. To speed things up, head out on patrol with a friend or two, and start feeding off the Orbs of Light you each create, using them to chain super abilities together. This one should take you between 15-30 minutes.

Complete the Path: Most people will already have this done, but if you don’t, it requires that you fully upgrade the Bladedancer subclass. That means unlocking every option in the subclass screen, which will take you quite some time if you haven’t already done so. Should you require guidance to rank up your subclass, we’d suggest visiting our article on how to quickly earn XP in Destiny: The Taken King.

  • Destiny: The Taken King - How to Get the Sword
  • Destiny: The Taken King - Subclass and Super Guide
  • Destiny: The Taken King - Armsday Reputation Guide
  • Destiny: The Taken King - Exotic Blueprints Guide
  • Destiny: The Taken King - Titan Subclass Quest Guide
  • Destiny: The Taken King - Warlock Subclass Quest Guide

Cayde’s Challenge: This is the toughest of them all, and players will have to complete a Strike using the Arc Blade to kill at least 3 Major enemies and 15 enemies total. It’s really not that hard, as you should be able to pull it off on almost any Strike. Focus on anything that involves hordes of Thrall, as they tend to be easy kills for a Bladedancer going HAM. In terms of the three Majors, communicate with your Fireteam and let them know what you’re doing. Have them damage the Major (yellow bar) so they are near death, and then use your Bladedancer to easily finish them off. Consider the Devil’s Lair for this one.

Reward: For completing this quest you will earn the Bladedancer’s Cloak, which if we’re being honest, looks pretty badass. Everyone and their cousin will be wearing it in a week, so maybe stash it away until its popularity dies down a little bit.

Path of the Gunslinger Quest

Remember to save these quests until after September 15, 2015 to get your reward.

This quest can be obtained by visiting Cayde-6 in the Hall of Guardians at the Tower. You will need to be using your Gunslinger subclass to get the quest, and once you do there will be several steps involved before you reach its conclusion. Keep in mind you’ll need to stop by and visit Cayde between each of the steps, getting further instructions on what he would like you to do.

Slay Enemies: For this step you will have to defeat 50 enemies with your Golden Gun, grenade or melee attack. Forget the Golden Gun part, focusing entirely on walking around the Steppes at earth. Just run around the area and toss your grenade, and then melee people when it regenerates. If you get your Golden Gun, feel free to blast three people with it, but focusing on the super ability is a waste of time. You could also just let this happen naturally as you play, if you’re the patient type.

Create Orbs of Light: For this you just need to generate 25 Orbs using your Golden Gun. Actually, having said that, it’s a pain in the butt. You are pretty much only going to get three kills with your standard use of the Golden Gun, and you aren’t even guaranteed to generate Orbs with each shot. Our suggestion is to focus on tough enemies, like Majors and other yellow bars. This should up your chances of creating Orbs, which your friends can then use to gain their super as well. Basically you want to start feeding each other Orbs through super use, allowing your Fireteam to complete this portion of the quest more quickly.

Complete the Path: To complete the path you will need to fully upgrade the Gunslinger subclass, which is a time consuming process. If you have already done it, Cayde will recognize this and you’ll be on to the final part of the quest. If you haven’t, you need to earn XP in any way that you can. This means doing the story missions you might have left, or even completing the Vanguard and Crucible bounties each day.

Cayde’s Challenge: For this players must complete a Strike using the Golden Gun to kill at least 3 Major enemies and 15 enemies total. It sounds hard, but the killing Majors part shouldn’t be as difficult as it is with the Bladedancer. Basically, a standard Golden Gun setup will require that you super five times during the Strike, and for this you want to be with a Fireteam of people who are willing to provide you support. They will leave you kills, plus generate Orbs that you can use to super as often as you need. Expect to find this part of the quest more challenging with random players, as they tend to just kill everything and not worry too much about the needs of the group.

Reward: When you are finished this quest you will get the Gunslinger’s Cloak. It looks pretty sweet, but remember that completing the quest before September 15, 2015 might cause it to bug out. If that happens you’ll lose your reward, so don’t be fussing with these quests until The Taken King officially releases.

The Nightstalker's Trail

This quest is completely different from the first two, and is only unlocked if you have The Taken King DLC. Rather than bunch it up here, we've written an entire article dedicated to How to Unlock the Nightstalker Subclass.

For more on The Taken King, be sure to visit our Destiny: The Taken King Walkthrough and Guide. You'll find everything you need to know to dominate in Year 2.