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Star Wars: Battlefront - Heroes Guide - Princess Leia, Han Solo, Boba Fett

One cool aspect to Star Wars: Battlefront is the ability to use Heroes on occasion. These are tide-turning characters with special weapons and attacks that can help out troops in their time of need, while at the same time giving the player a (temporary) boost in power, should their score be running low.

You can activate Heroes by finding their tokens spread across the battlefield in multiplayer. Their powers last as long as you can keep them alive. They're more powerful than your typical soldier, but not invulnerable, so you'd best take advantage of their capabilities while you have the chance.

Here's a breakdown of the six available Heroes within the game, as well as their special abilities:

Emperor Palpatine

The master of the Dark Side definitely makes his presence felt in Battlefront, as he's a very capable warrior that can move fast and shoot lightning from his hands, just like in the films.

Imperial Resources – Supply-based ability – With this, Palpatine can drop a power-up for any of his fellow soldiers to use. This is great if you're working alongside a team, as you can summon a number of different attacks for them to clear out those pesky Rebels.

Chain Lightning – Offense-based ability – Palpatine shoots lightning from his hands and fries not only the target he's aiming at, but also any supporting allies that are nearby. This is great for narrow walkways, or for getting a group in a single shot.

Force Dash – Movement-based ability – Want this old man to get around faster? Turn this on and you'll be able to jettison forward without the need for a rocket pack. You can also chase after targets this way, and nail them for a few extra points.

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Princess Leia

One of the Rebels who's quite handy with a gun, Leia is a strong support soldier that can also pack plenty of firepower when the situation calls for it.

Supply Drop – Supply-based ability – Leia can all for a Power-Up to be dropped within her area, in the form of a Star Card that any of her fellow soldiers can use. This is ideal if you've got a group of soldiers nearby in need of some assistance.

Enhanced Squad Shield – Defense-based ability – Like the traditional Squad Shield, this calls upon a small area to be protected by a force field. However, it lasts much longer than a typical shield, and can also help defend points on the map.

Trooper Bane – Offense-based ability -- By using this, Leia can fire off a blast that can take down multiple soldiers in one shot. This includes doing harm to shielded enemies that protect themselves from regular gunfire – so save your shots for when they count!

Han Solo

Just when you needed him the most, this Scoundrel makes an appearance, not only packing his blaster with plenty of firepower, but also providing a little extra offensive strength as well.

Rapid Fire – Offense-based ability – Once this is activated, Solo can let loose with multiple shots from his blaster without needing any sort of cooldown. If you've got multiple targets nearby, this is a great way to mow them down.

Lucky Shot – Offense-based ability – One shot from Han's blaster can create an explosive effect that not only hurts the target, but also those that may be nearby it. Think of it as an enhanced grenade, but much quicker in execution.

Shoulder Charge – Offense-based ability – Ever want to see Han Solo resemble a linebacker? Once this is set to go, you'll be able to charge through multiple enemies that get in your way. It's a great charging move, even if it doesn't do much in terms of weapon firing.

Boba Fett

This Bounty Hunter isn't lying so cozily inside the Sarlacc Pit – he's flying around and doing some major damage, and can absorb more hits thanks to his helpful armor.

Wrist Rocket – Offense-based ability – Using this, Fett can fire off a rocket like a fast-paced grenade, creating a huge explosion from whatever it hits – and the concussion can take out any nearby foes as well.

Flame Thrower – Offense-based ability – Even though its range is questionable, the flame thrower is ideal for taking out anyone that may be close by. It's also very effective as you fly through the air, provided you're not too far from the ground.

Jetpack – Movement-based ability – Want to get around in a hurry? You can activate this and not only cover a great deal of ground distance-wise, but also get high in the air over structures and take some enemies by surprise. It's great if you want to get around the map in a hurry.

Luke Skywalker

Let's get to the Jedi and Sith warriors! First up is Luke Skywalker, dressed in black and packing a very cool green lightsaber, just like in Return of the Jedi. He's embracing his Force powers as well, so look out!

Force Push – Offense-based ability – The Force Push basically blows any smaller enemies a great distance, and what's more, you can knock them into objects for further damage, including vehicles that happen to be flying by. It's a heck of a trick shot jettisoning a soldier into a TIE Fighter.

Saber Rush – Offense-based ability – With this attack, Skywalker can charge forward with a spectacular sword slash, hitting his target with great efficiency. As long as you can provide the right distance calculations, you can make quick work of a few soldiers this way.

Heavy Strike – Offense-based ability – Again, range may not be great here, but if you've got a few soldiers surrounding you, activate this and you'll be able to swing around in a 360-degree fashion, hitting everyone around you.

Darth Vader

Finally, we've saved the best for last, as Darth Vader is an absolute bad-ass on the battlefield. He may be slow in movement, but he's absolutely deadly, especially once he's got a Force Choke locked in on someone.

Force Choke – Offense-based ability – Once this is activated, Darth can lock on to an enemy soldier and slowly squeeze the life out of them, as he's known to do. Although this leaves him vulnerable to hits from others, it's a truly effective way to take out enemies.

Saber Throw – Offense-based ability – Even though Vader doesn't do distance attacks that well, he can turn his lightsaber into a boomerang and hurl it straight ahead, taking out everything in its path, before it returns back to him. It's good for taking out mid-range foes.

Heavy Strike – Offense-based ability – Finally, the Heavy Strike is similar to Luke's, as Vader can swivel around a full 360 degrees and hit everyone within a short range. It's great if you've got multiple enemies charging at you.