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Star Wars: Battlefront - Star Cards and Traits

In case you're new to Star Wars: Battlefront, it helps to know that you don't have to live on the strength of your firepower alone. Along with picking up power-ups, you also have the ability of using Star Cards, special abilities that can last for several seconds before requiring a small period of time for cooldown.

There are two types of Star Cards – your regular ones, which help you in the heat of battle, and the Charged Star Cards, which go the extra mile in terms of helping you ever further with something, like scanning the playfield or providing better cooling for your weapons. We've broken them down into groups below.

Keep in mind, though, that each Card can be upgraded once to increase cooldown, or last longer in the heat of battle, depending which one you use. In addition, you can also activate a Trait card, giving you a special ability that can be leveled up to three times, depending on what you want to get out of it.

Here's a breakdown of the Star Cards first, followed by Traits at the bottom:

Star Cards (regular colored)


What it does: You'll be able to fire a triple threat of grenades with a small delay fuse, enabling a larger explosion range or trying to take down a fortified target with greater force. They're great for clearing out locations as well.

When you can get it: Rank 24.

Can it be upgraded?: Yes, you can cut down its cool-down time between uses from 18 seconds to 15.


What it does:> This crossbow-style weapon can fire one, three or five explosive bolts in a horizontal arc. It's also great for clearing out small areas, or nailing an enemy within an open space. You can also combine it with the Jet Pack for aerial attacks.

When you can get it: Rank 32.

Can it be upgraded?: Yes, you can cut its cool-down time from 18 to 15 seconds.

Cycler Rifle

What it does: Using this rifle, you'll be able to hit a number of targets from long range, as well as penetrate energy shields. Just don't get too cocky on distance, however – the bullet eventually loses its arc and may miss too far away a target.

When you can get it: Rank 28.

Can it be upgraded?: Yes, you can cut down the cool-down time between uses from 15 seconds to 10.

Flash Grenade

What it does: Although it doesn't pack much lethal punch, the Flash Grenade works like a flashbang, as you can disorient enemies long enough to sweep in and clean them out. It's ideal against groups and foes that are a bit fast on movement.

When you can get it: Rank 20.

Can it be upgraded?: Yep, you can cut down cool-down time from 16 seconds to 12.

Homing Shot

What it does: With this armed, you can fire off a smart shot that seeks out the target you were aiming at. Provided they don't run out of range or into cover that the shot can't penetrate, it's a guaranteed hit.

When you can get it: Rank 11.

Can it be upgraded?: Sure thing! You can cut down its cool-down time from 18 seconds to 15.

Impact Grenade

What it does: Even though it has a smaller blast radius than the Thermal Detonator you previously acquire, this grenade will explode on anything it comes into contact with. In addition, indirect damage can also be done to surrounding enemies.

When you can get it: Rank 6.

Can it be upgraded?: You can cut down its cool-down time from 16 seconds to 12.

Ion Grenade

What it does: This powerful grenade may not do much damage to soldiers on the ground (since it can't detect them), but it can do major damage against shields, vehicles and droids – most of which can be detonated with one blast.

When you can get it: Rank 4.

Can it be upgraded?: Yep, you can cut down its cool-down time period from 16 seconds to 12.

Ion Torpedo

What it does: Using a launcher, you can fire this torpedo at robots, vehicles and stationary weapons and do major damage once it locks on. Just be aware that lock-on time can take a lot longer than you might expect.

When you can get it: Rank 9

Can it be upgraded?: Yes, you can decrease its cool-down time from 15 seconds to 12 seconds.

Jump Pack

What it does: One of the better defensive Star Cards available, the Jump Pack allows you to cover great distance on a map by thrusting yourself quickly across it, while at the same time potentially avoiding enemy ambushes.

When you can get it: Rank 16.

Can it be upgraded?: Yes, you can decrease its cool-down time from 16 seconds to 12 seconds.

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Pulse Cannon

What it does: The Pulse Cannon acts like a modified sniper rifle, firing great long-distance shots at targets. However, you need to hold down the fire button to charge shots – but the execution can't be beat.

When you can get it: Rank 6.

Can it be upgraded?: Yes, you can decrease cool-down time from 18 seconds to 15 seconds.

Scout Pistol

What it does: Providing better modification on the usual pistol, this is great for short-range blasts that can immediately take enemies out – though it stinks when it comes to long-range combat.

When you can get it: Rank 4.

Can it be upgraded?: Yes, you can decrease its cool-down time from nine to six seconds.

Smoke Grenade

What it does: Like any good smoke creator should do, this grenade provides good cover that can leave enemies temporarily blind to your position, enabling a defensive opportunity to run in and take them down.

When you can get it: Rank 13.

Can it be upgraded?: Yes, you can cut back its cool-down time from 20 to 16 seconds.

Thermal Detonator

What it does: This is the first grenade that you'll start out with, as you can use this to deliver a big bang once it's thrown. Just keep in mind that a beeping noise will indicate just when it's about to explode.

When you can get it: Rank 2.

Can it be upgraded?: Yes, you can cut down its cool-down time from 15 to 10 seconds.

Charged Star Cards (highlighted in gold)

Cooling Cell

What it does: This allows you to vent heat from your main weapon automatically, so that you don't have to worry about cooling it down. It's great if you want to run your way through the battlefield without having firepower on your side.

When you can get it: Rank 7.

Can it be upgraded?: Yep, you can push its active time from three seconds to five.

Explosive Shot

What it does: When this is activated, you'll be able to fire explosive bolts from your primary weapon for a good seven to ten seconds, even with a regular blaster. This is good against groups of enemies, although its cooldown rules still apply.

When you can get it: Rank 18.

Can it be upgraded?: Yes, you can increase its active time from three to five seconds with an upgrade.

Focus Fire

What it does: With this activated, you'll activate a gyroscopic modification that makes aiming a little more accurate with your primary blaster. This is good if you're in need of firing range with powerful blasters within the game.

When you can get it: Rank 7

Can it be upgraded?: Yep, you can increase its active use time from seven to ten seconds per session.

Ion Shot

What it does: This turns your primary weapon into an ion bolt-firing device that can do major damage to vehicles, droids and shields, although weapon damage on humans is lowered by 50 percent as a result.

When you can get it: Rank 7.

Can it be upgraded?: Sure, you can increase its active time from seven seconds to ten seconds.

Personal Shield

What it does: Activating this will allow you to bounce off a few shots from energy weapons handily. It's great if you can't access a nearby Squad Shield, although weapons like Cycler Rifles and grenades can still do harm.

When you can get it: Rank 22.

Can it be upgraded?: Yes, with an upgrade you can push its active time from seven to nine seconds.

Scan Pulse

What it does: Think of this as the UAV for the Star Wars universe, as it can ping enemies that are anywhere on the map, even if they're out of regular view. Activating this can do a lot of good for tracking enemy positions.

When you can get it: Rank 13.

Can it be upgraded?: Yep. Not only can you decrease its cool-down time from seven to five seconds, but you can also bump up its active time from seven to ten seconds.

Trait Cards (highlighted in black)


What it does: You'll be able to decrease explosive damage taken to your character.

When you can get it: Rank 15.

Can it be upgraded?: Yes, you can level it up to three times. Each time, you'll be able to decrease the damage you take, and by level three, you'll also be able to withstand a small amount of blaster damage.

Bounty Hunter

What it does: With this card, you'll have better opportunity to earn power-ups and, once leveled up, even reset your cool-down period for your weapon.

When you can get it: Rank 26.

Can it be upgraded?: Yes, up to three times, with each one increasing the chance to get a power-up, and by level three, resetting your cool-down for your main weapon.


What it does: You'll be able to sprint across a map without being detected on an enemy scanner, and you can reset your weapon heat once upgraded.

When you can get it: Rank 15.

Can it be upgraded?: Yep, up to three times. You'll start by not giving yourself away on an enemy scanner while sprinting, but by level two, you can also fire without giving yourself away. By level three, killing an enemy automatically resets your weapon heat.


What it does: By earning headshot kills, you'll be able to decease your cool-downs on weapons by quite a bit.

When you can get it: Rank 26.

Can it be upgraded?: Yes, with each level (up to three), your current cool-downs for your weapon increase.


What it does: This enables quicker health regeneration for your character, a benefit when you've been hit multiple times.

When you can get it: Rank 15

Can it be upgraded?: Yes. Level 1 makes health generation go a little faster, while level two increases it even more. By level three, you'll also be able to replenish a small amount of health with each enemy kill you get.