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Destiny guide: how to maximise your Grimoire Points

Destiny guide: how to earn Grimoire Points


In Destiny, earning most Grimoire cards is just a matter of playing the game, maybe a little more attentively than usual. You’ll either need to complete a certain number of actions or activities, earn Exotic weapons, or find Dead Ghosts.

Your GP score doesn’t do much except earn you bragging rights – but what’s wrong with that? Everyone who has put any time into the game will have a couple of hundred Grimoire Points at least, but having the highest score in your team is a pretty wonderful feeling.

This isn’t a guide to collecting every Grimoire Card in the game; it’s a guide to getting the cards your friends are less likely to earn just while tootling around the game. Some require massive time investments, and others are so easy you won’t believe some people haven’t gotten them yet.

General Tips

  • Always play in a fireteam
    When you play with your friends you earn progression points based on their activities, so their sniper kills are counted as part of your tally, and your shotgun kills contribute to their totals. There’s no downside and will ease the grind considerably.
  • Check your progress on Destiny Tracker
    It doesn’t show you where to find cards you haven’t got yet, but it does give you updates on the more difficult grind cards.
  • Get all the basics out of the way
    You earn GP for doing the Story missions, Raids and Strikes for the first time; visiting PvP maps and modes; and encountering specific enemies. Make sure you’ve completed everything at least once.

Got all that? Good. Go forward and earn Grimoire Points.


Dead Ghosts – 475 GP

Most of the Dead Ghosts are easy to find once you know where to look, and collecting all of them will net you a whopping 425 GP in vanilla destiny or 475 with The Dark Below.

We have handy-dandy guides to finding all the Dead Ghosts, as it happens:

  • Earth Dead Ghost locations guide (including Tower)
  • Moon Dead Ghost locations guide
  • Venus Dead Ghost locations guide
  • Mars Dead Ghost locations guide
  • The Dark Below Dead Ghosts locations guide

Classes – 150 GP

There are lots of reasons to play with alts, not least of which is so they can act as mules for all the stuff that won’t fit in your vault. But it’s also a much faster way to earn class-specific kill tallies. For maximum score you’ll need to put in some serious time in the Crucible.

  • Ghost Fragment: Titan – 5 GP
    Unlocked when first playing as a Titan.
  • Titan – up to 45 GP
    To max your score with this card, you’ll need to earn kills while playing as a Titan. See the table below.
  • Ghost Fragment: Hunter – 5 GP
    Unlocked when first playing as a Hunter.
  • Hunter – up to 45 GP
    To max your score with this card, you’ll need to earn kills while playing as a Hunter. See the table below.
  • Ghost Fragment: Warlock – 5 GP
    Unlocked when first playing as a Warlock.
  • Titan – up to 45 GP
    To max your score with this card, you’ll need to earn kills while playing as a Warlock. See the table below.

To earn the 45 points on the class cards you’ll need to complete the following with each class. Points are available at each tier.

  • PvE kills: 5,000/10,000/20,000
  • Crucible kills as class: 1,000/2,500/5,000
  • Class kills in Crucible: 1,000/2,500/5,000


Destinations – 80 GP

The four Destinations are worth up to 20 GP each if you make enough kills in each locale. You need 1,000/2,500/5,000 kills on Earth, the Moon, Venus and Mars for maximum score. This really isn’t hard to do, but so many people spend all their time farming bounties in the Cosmodrome they don’t have the other three cards yet.

Activities – 145 GP

There are a number of activities you can repeat in order to earn GP by hitting tiered tallies.

  • Story missions – up to 15 GP (25/50/100)
  • Strikes – up to 15 GP (50/100/250) – Note that Playlist Strikes may not be counted
  • Raids – up to 15 GP (5/20/50)
  • Patrols – up to 15 GP (50/100/250)
  • Public Events – up to 15 GP (50/100/250)
  • Crucible wins – up to 15 GP (100/500/1,000)
  • Control wins – up to 20 GP (25/50/100)
  • Clash wins – up to 20 GP (25/50/100)
  • Rumble wins – up to 20 GP (25/50/100)
  • Skirmish wins – up to 20 GP (25/50/100)
  • Salvage wins – up to 20 GP (25/50/100)

Weapon use – 180 GP

Rack up enough kills with a weapon and you’ll earn up to 20 GP. An excuse to learn to use your least favourite weapon types, and an easy way to snaffle some extra GP.

  • Auto Rifles, Scout Rifles, Pulse Rifles, Handcannons – 2,500/5,000/10,000
  • Shotguns, Fusion Rifles, Sniper Rifles – 1,000/2,500/5,000
  • Rocket Launchers, Machine Guns – 500/1,000/2,500


Enemy kills – 480 GP

Each of the three-tiered tallies below is worth up to 20 points each. If you play a lot you’ll have ticked most of these boxes, but there are a few like Servitor and Ogre which are harder to achieve.

  • The Fallen (500/1,000/2,500)
  • Dreg (400/1,000/2,000)
  • Shank (150/375/750)
  • Vandal (300/750/1,500)
  • Captain (100/250/500)
  • Servitor (50/125/250)
  • The Hive (500/1,000/2,500)
  • Thrall (300/750/1,500)
  • Acolyte (500/1,250/2,500)
  • Knight (100/250/500)
  • Ogre (50/125/250)
  • Wizard (50/125/250)
  • The Vex (500/1,000/2,500)
  • Goblin (500/1,250/2,500)
  • Hobgoblin (200/500/1,000)
  • Harpy (150/375/750)
  • Minotaur (100/250/500)
  • Hydra (50/125/250)
  • The Cabal (500/1,000/2,500)
  • Legionary (300/750/1,500)
  • Centurion (100/250/500)
  • Colossus (50/125/250)
  • Psion (300/750/1,500)
  • Phalanx (250/625/1,250)

This article includes content from Destiny’s first expansion, The Dark Below, and will be updated following further subsequent drops. Head back to our epic Destiny guide?