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Civilization 5 civilizations guide

Leader: Harun al-Rashid
Unique Ability: Trade Caravans (+1 gold from each Trade Route and oil resources provide double quantity)
Special Unit: Camel Archers (Replaces Knight)
Special Building: Bazaar (Replaces Market)

Leader: Montezuma
Unique Ability: Sacrificial Captives (Gains Culture for the empire from each enemy unit killed)
Special Unit: Jaguar (Replaces Warrior)
Special Building: Floating Gardens (Replaces Watermill)

Leader: Wu Zetian
Unique Ability: Art of War (Effectiveness and spawn rate of Great Generals increased)
Special Unit: Cho-Ko-Nue (Replaces Crossbowman)
Special Building: Paper Maker (Replaces Library)

Leader: Ramesses II
Unique Ability: Monument Builders (20% production towards Wonder construction)
Special Unit: War Chariot (Replaces Chariot Archer)
Special Building: Burial Tomb (Replaces Temple)

Leader: Queen Elizabeth I
Unique Ability: Sun Never Sets (+2 movement for all naval units)
Special Unit: Longbowman (Replaces Crossbowman)
Special Unit: Ship of the Line (Replaces Frigate)

Leader: Napoleon Bonaparte
Unique Ability: Ancien Regime (+2 culture per turn from Cities before discovering Steam Power)
Special Unit: Foreign Legion (Replaces Infantry)
Special Unit: Musketeer (Replaces Musketman)

Leader: Otto Von Bismarck
Unique Ability: Furor Teutonicus (Upon defeating a Barbarian unit inside an encampment, there is a 50% chance you earn 25 Gold and they join your side)
Special Unit: Landsknecht (Replaces Pikeman)
Special Unit: Panzer (Replaces Tank)

Leader: Alexander the Great
Unique Ability: Hellenic League (City-State Influence degrades at half and recovers at twice the normal rate)
Special Unit: Champion Cavalry (Replaces Horseman)
Special Unit: Hoplite  (Replaces Spearman)

Leader: Gandhi
Unique Ability: Population Growth (Unhappiness from number of Cities doubled. Unhappiness from number of Citizens halved) (Tip: Build fewer, bigger cities!)
Special Unit: War Elephant (Replaces Chariot Archer)
Special Building: Mughal Fort  (Replaces Castle)

Leader: Hiawatha
Unique Ability: The Great Warpath (Units move through Forest and Jungle in friendly territory as if it is a Road. These tiles can be used to establish trade routes)
Special Unit: Mohawk Warrior (Replaces Swordsman)
Special Building: Longhouse (Replaces Workshop)

Leader: Oda Nobunaga
Unique Ability: Bushido (Units fight as though they were at full strength even when damaged)
Special Unit: Samurai (Replaces Longswordsman)
Special Unit: Zero (Replaces Fighter)

Leader: Genghis Khan
Unique Ability: Mongal Terror (Combat Strenght +30% when fighting City-State Units or attacking a City-State itself. All mounted units have +1 Movement)
Special Unit: Keshik (Replaces Knight)
Special Unit: Khan (Replaces Great General)

Leader: Suleiman the Magnificent
Unique Ability: Barbary Corsairs (50% Chance of converting a Barbarian naval unit to your side and earning 25 Gold)
Special Unit: Janissary (Replaces Musketman)
Special Unit: Sipahi  (Replaces Lancer)

Leader: Darius I
Unique Ability: Achaemenid Legacy (Golden ages last 50% longer. During a Golden Age, unites receive +1 movement and a +10% Combat Strength bonus)
Special Unit: Immortal (Replaces Spearman)
Special Building: Satrap’s Court (Replaces Bank)

Leader: Augustus Caesar
Unique Ability: The Glory of Rome (25% production towards any buildings that already exist in the Capital)
Special Unit: Ballista (Replaces Catapult)
Special Unit: Legion (Replaces Swordsman)

Leader: Catherine the Great
Unique Ability: Siberian Riches (Strategic resources provide +1 production and Horse, Iron and Uranium Resources provide double quantity)
Special Unit: Cossack (Replaces Cavalry)
Special Building: Krepost (Replaces Barracks)

Leader: Ramkhamhaeng
Unique Ability: Father Governs Children (Food and Culture from friendly City-States increased by 50%)
Special Unit: Naresuan’s Elephant (Replaces Knight)
Special Building: Wat (Replaces University)

Leader: Askia
Unique Ability: River Warlord (Receive triple Gold from Barbarian encampments and pillaging Cities)
Special Unit: Mandekalu Cavalry (Replaces Knight)
Special Building: Mud Pyramid Mosque (Replaces Temple)

United States of America
Leader: George Washington
Unique Ability: Manifest Destiny (All land military units have +a sight. 25% discount when purchasing tiles)
Special Unit: Minuteman (Replaces Musketman)
Special Unit: B17 (Replaces Bomber)