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Civlization V terrain guide


Gold: 1
Production: 0
Food: 1
Combat Modifiers: None
Movement Cost: 1
Notes: Cities cannot be built on coasts; Water units and embarked land units only may
pass through this type of tile.

Gold: 0
Production: 0
Food: 0
Combat Modifiers: -33%
Movement Cost: 1
Notes: One of the least useful terrain. No benefits (Unless it contains an oasis) and a combat penalty.

Gold: 0
Production: 0
Food: 2
Combat Modifiers: -33%
Movement Cost: 1
Notes: Good food value for fast city growth. Defensive penalty.

Gold: 0
Production: 2
Food: 0
Combat Modifiers: +25%
Movement Cost: 2
Notes: Good production and defense bonuses, but no food value.

Gold: 0
Production: 0
Food: 0
Combat Modifiers: +25%
Movement Cost: Air Units only.
Notes: Generally unuseful for city, except for defensive purposes. Only flying units may pass through.

Gold: 1
Production: 0
Food: 1
Combat Modifiers: None
Movement Cost: 1
Notes: Technology required to access food and gold.

Gold: 0
Production: 1
Food: 1
Combat Modifiers: -33%
Movement Cost: 1
Notes: Production and Food for city. Not as much food as grasslands or as much production as hills. Defensive penalty.

Gold: 0
Production: 0
Food: 0
Combat Modifiers: -33%
Movement Cost: 1
Notes: Unproductive, battle penalty.

Gold: 0
Production: 0
Food: 1
Combat Modifiers: -33%
Movement Cost: 1
Notes: Provides a little food. Defensive Penalty. Not recommended for building unless you have nowhere else to go.


Gold: -3
Production: -3
Food: -3
Combat Modifiers: -33%
Movement Cost: 2
Notes: Appears after nuclear strikes. Badly reduces tile output. Workers need to clear the fallout first in order to do any improvement work on the tiles.

Flood Plains
Gold: 0
Production: 0
Food: 2
Combat Modifiers: -33%
Movement Cost: 1
Notes: Good for food, defensive penalty.

Gold: 0
Production: 1
Food: 1
Combat Modifiers: +25%
Movement Cost: 2
Notes: Food and production, along with a combat bonus.

Gold: 0
Production: 0
Food: 0
Combat Modifiers: None
Movement Cost: Impassable
Notes: Not useful. Only flying units and submarine units may pass.

Gold: 0
Production: -1
Food: 1
Combat Modifiers: +25%
Movement Cost: 2
Notes: Provides a defensive bonus, and a little food. Chop down to make plains.

Gold: 0
Production: 0
Food: -1
Combat Modifiers: -33%
Movement Cost: 2
Notes: Not good for food, and significant penalty for combat.

Gold: 1
Production: 0
Food: 3
Combat Modifiers: -33%
Movement Cost: 1
Notes: Makes a desert useful for growth. Combat penalty. Oases may only be found on Desert tiles.

Natural Wonders
City Yield: 3 gold, 2 production
Movement Cost: impassable
Combat Modifier: none
Notes:  increase happiness permanently when first seen by a civilization

City Yield Modifier: +1 gold to adjacent tiles..
Offensive Penalty: attacking unit gets -25% penalty to combat strength.
Movement Effect: Crossing a river uses up all movement points (no additional costs with road and construction tech)