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Mortal Kombat Walkthrough Chapter 4 - Cyrax

Chapter 4 - Cyrax

Raiden is saddened by the loss of this warrior and Cyrax calls out for vengeance against this specter of the Nether Realm. Raiden tells him how the Lin Kuei have a history of making bad decisions, such as killing off the earth warriors and their cyber intiative. Cyrax explains that he stands against their Grand Master on this matter, as it takes away what makes them great warriors, their intution and initiative. As he walks away, Raiden continues to talk to him that each earth warrior killed brings them closer to destruction, both from the realm and the Lin Kuei. As Cyrax leaves the room, we see Baraka leaning against the wall.

Shortly after, Cyrax is out on the walkway the Pit. Baraka and Sheeva approach him. He explains that his human target is Johnny Cage. Sheeva tells him that Shang Tsung has terminated his contract and Sheeva engage in a battle with you. This round you control Cyrax. You should have some idea of what he can do, but take a moment to see the actual moves on the move list.  The good news is your opponent are meant for close range attacks more than anything else. Almost all of her moves will bring her into melee range for you. Beat down on her. The good news about Sheeva is that her X-Ray attack is a short range stomping jump. A watchful eye or a ranged style can avoid it completely without any trouble.

He says he needs to talk with their master. Baraka is enraged and refuses to cooperate with the ninja. Cyrax taunts with the fact the he could not even finish off Johnny Cage when he had tried. Time for a second round of fighting. Baraka shows off some new moves this time around. He will actually use his ranged attack and will defend against some air attacks with this blade tornado option. He still does not pose too much of the challenge, as it is still early in the chapter.

He wants to seek why Shang Tsung has turned against him. He heads back to the main arena. Sektor and Shang Tsung talking as he approaches and demands to know why Shang Tsung attempted to turn against him. He explains that he was talking with the Thunder God and felt that was jeopardizing his assigned mission. Sektor tells Shang Tsung that Cyrax is Lin Kuei and will complete his mission. To this end, Shang Tsung announces the next match is Johnny Cage versus Cyrax. Time for you to face off against your assigned assassination target. Johnny Cage you should know a little as you started off story as him. Still, he is mostly melee, with some ranged with his Shadow Ball and Kick.

At the end of the match, Cyrax hesitates, torn between loyalties before declaring he won't kill Cage. Sektor does not take this well. The two of them have an argument where Sektor tells Cyrax that the Cyber Initiative will eliminate such insubordination from their ranks. Cyrax argues that he used his judgment, that there was no need to kill him, only to remove him from the tournament. The two of them square off in battle.

You have fought Sektor before, but he will be harder this time. Again, watch out for his teleport moves and missiles. He can be an agile opponent with them. Thankfully, Cyrax has some similiar abilities, making it easy for therm to go toe to toe.

He tells Sektor that he is leaving the clan, that he is through with their mindlessness. He knocks out Sektor with a kick and leaves.