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Mortal Kombat Walkthrough Chapter 16 - Raiden

Chapter 16 - Raiden

Raiden appears in the searing Nether Realm. He sets forth to the find the Necromancer Quan Chi. He encounters Scorpion instead who serves the Necromancer. Raiden tells him to inform Quan Chi that he would have an audience with him. Scorpion refuses to do so, saying that he will carry any message to the Necromancer. Raiden lays into the Hellspawn, asking if this was what he abandoned his family and clan for. The two engage in battle.

Raiden has a very fast teleport that can be helpful. His Electric Fly (Away, Toward + Front Kick) move is also helpful more so for closing gaps with an effective attack. It also helps that his X-Ray attack has a great range and is very fast.

Against Scorpion, you will find out just how useful Raiden's Teleport can be. Mix it in to create a bit of a defense simply by not being there. Once you see Scorpion committed to an attack is the time to do so. It is also a good way to get out of a corner if you find yourself in one.

After you manage to defeat Scorpion, Quan Chi is very prompt. The necromancer understands that he is in the position of power and asks simply what Raiden offers for the allegiance of the Nether Realm against Outworld. Raiden offers the souls of those who die int he conflict, he is clear to include his own as well. Quan Chi reveals something then and you now must fight against all the Earth Warriors who have died in this conflict. You will find you have a single life bar to make it through the entire series of fights. Try to land the first hit of the match so you have the enhanced boost as soon as possible. This is a time where you will want to use your X-Ray attack as soon as possible to secure victory with minimal damage to yourself. Also, your meter will not carry over from one section of the the fight to the next.

First is Jax. With his Cybernetic arms, you will find his play style changed a bit. He pulls off more grapples than before and has a more effective air throw than before. Next is Stryker. Remember that he is much more about close range than most. Take advantage of this to blast him with your lightning attacks at a range. Third is Kabal. Immediately jump or block as he will likely start with his dash attack. Keep moving and try to teleport in if he manages to create a gap.

There is a break in the fighting where Raiden prays for them. The souls of his fallen warriors condemn him for their deaths and Quan Chi has dominion over them.

The first of the second set is Kitana. She is a very mobile opponent and should be treated as such. Second is Nightwolf. Remember what you used as him and exploit any weaknesses you noticed. Remember to show some restraint with Raiden's Lightning attack as Nightwolf can reflect it. Aside from that, most of Raiden's attacks will work very well against the undead shaman. Third is Kung Lao. Remember that he has a number of teleport attacks as well as his hat's ranged abilities.

After you take out this set, Quan Chi. In this moment he finally realizes how events must unfold for them to be corrected. He returns to Earthrealm and heads to the portal where Shao Kahn is emerging. There he finds Liu Kang approaching. The Shaolin Monk has no kind words for the Thunder God. Raiden explains things but this does not sit well with Liu Kang. The two fight.

Liu Kang is a new opponent at this point but you know his moves well enough. Again, you will want to use your teleport as a dodge when you can. You can quickly follow this up with Raiden's Away, Toward + Front Kick.

After Raiden fells Liu Kang, he tells hm to let things be. Johnny and Sonya arrive in time to see Raiden accidently kill Liu Kang in his attempt to save Earthrealm. Shao Kahn enters Earthrealm and Raiden stands against him. We see the collision of Present and the future we saw in the beginning of the game.

At this point, something does change. The Elder Gods send aid to the suffering Thunder God. They aid Raiden in a strike against Shao Kahn who laughs it off as it has no effect. Time for a good old fashion brawl to settle things, Shao Kahn against Raiden.

Shao Kahn, like any serious boss has the ability to occasionally absorb hits, so be wary while you are using combo attacks. Remember to use Raiden's teleport to avoid his Spear and Hammer Throw attacks and to follow it up with Raiden's Electric Fly attack. When you see him draw his hammer, pay attention to how he uses it. If it is drawn to the side, jump, when above his head, dash away. Try to take as defensive style as you can with Raiden. He lacks the moves that Liu Kang had to help you to victory against this Emperor. Turtle when you can and respond more than attack. Do not hesitate to use your X-ray attack when an opening is presented to you. If you must be aggressive, always try to hit his back.

After the battle against Shao Kahn, the Elder Gods destroy him. THe Realms stop merging and Sunlight returns to a battered Earth. Raiden's amulet finally is whole again. The remaining fighters mourn their losses and tend to both the fallen and wounded. We see Shao Kahn's Helmet and Quan Chi take it. Shinnok reveals himself and, to us, his plan to take over both Earth Realm and Outworld. This unlocks Quan Chi as a playable character and completes story mode!