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LA Noire Walkthrough Part 14 - Manifest Destiny

L.A. Noire – Manifest Destiny

111 Club
Just to be thorough, before setting into the crime scene in the bar room and on, go investigate the room just across from the entrance to the club. You'll see the body but also you'll want to look at the safe in there, as all the money inside remains.

First, look at the body laying on the circular table behind you. This gets you a P.O.I. Now head into the  adjoining room with the stage, making a quick right to find the next body. Search chest to find your next clue. Now turn around and look at the case that's laying not too far behind you. Investigate it, picking up and returning each of the three mouth pieces. This opens a secret compartment in the case. Look at the ticket that's sitting in there to get a lead, as well as the morphine. Now turn around and head into next, smaller room. You'll find a big crate of cigarettes you'll want to look at for some clues. You may need to look at it twice, but you'll get another clue that will save you a trip back later. Now head just a bit further forward to find some guns on a rack. Search these for yet another clue. Time to interview our witness, the waitress.

The Waitress
111 Club Shooting – Doubt
Knowledge of McGoldrick – Truth

Next stop, the Blue Room Club.

Else Litchmann
Army Surplus Morphine – Doubt
Morphine overdose victims – Doubt

You tail Else back to her place after the scene at the club. Things pick up the next morning where you go and interview Mickey Cohen.

Mickey Cohen
Finklestein drug operation – Doubt
111 Club Shooting incident – Doubt
*111 Club
If you didn't get the clue from the cigarettes crate, you'll need to return and get it now.

Hollywood Police Station
Just follow your partner. This leads to the burglary department. Here you'll get something of a new trail from some interesting clues. Look at the manifest, specifically items 9, 5 and 3, on the right-hand page.

After all of that, you are sent after a bus shooting like the flames are licking your heels. Thankfully it's just a straight shot from where you are. Put on the siren and get out there! Once there, run around to the backside of the building and start going up the ladder you find there. From cover, take the guy out then its time to do a little investigation. The pocket on your left has a clue for you. After that, look at the gun that was just fired at you for another.

Felix Alvarro
Informed on Coolridge Heist – Doubt
Motive for shooting – Lie backed by Sniper's pocket book

First, head for the local police phone and call in to get more on the information you got from Felix. You get Kelso's address and that's where you want to go next.

Kelso's Apartment
Just a cutscene here.

Police Station
Head into the interview room and talk with Kelso

Jack Kelso
Army Surplus Morphine – Doubt
Ex-Marine McGoldrick – Truth
Arms stolen from Coolridge – Truth
SS Coolridge Heist – Doubt

After the interrogation an officer pops in informing you of a shooting that just happened at a local diner. Time for you to run over to the car and drive over there.

Robert's Diner
When you get there, a chase will ensue. Keep your foot down and try to run them off the road. If not, you'll be gunning them down.

Once there, look at the first body, checking both the jacket pockets to get some information. Between the two bodies you'll find another newspaper you can look into.

Hollywood Post Office
A quick scene, but it's another shoot out. Thankfully only 4 gunmen are here. Take them down and search the body in front of you. You get a confession from Beckett as he dies. Next, look at the card in his left hand. Now head to the opposite side of the post office and look at another body. It's in the first enclave on the right. Search the jacket pockets to find a note on him. That's it here so it's time to head for the Chinese Theater.

Chinese Theater
Time for yet another shoot-out. Drug wars are never pretty. Take down the assailants quickly either in the chase or after when you start shooting. After this, it just leaves the meeting place.

Meeting Place
One long shoot out here. After that you're called back to the station to talk with Sheldon.

Central Police Station
Courtney Sheldon
6th Marines being targeted – Lie backed by Note
SS Coolridge robbery – Lie backed by Beckett's Confession

After that you've got one great cutscene. It all makes a lot more sense if you looked at the newspaper at the end of the Robert's Diner Chase.