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Duke Nukem Forever Walkthrough Part 11 – The Hive

Duke Nukem Forever Walkthrough Part 11 – The Hive

At least you start with Duke Vision active, which makes life a lot easier. Head on down the path in front of you to grab a ripper if you so desire. To make progress, take the upwards left-side path. Keep along the wall to follow the path and avoid dropping into the pit. On the far side start running to save yourself some time. When you encounter something blocking your path, melee it to clear it out. You'll find your way to a tunnel you can crawl through.

While in this tunnel, you'll encounter a glowing bug that will screech then ball up. Push this thing out in front of you. It will fall into the adjoining room and likely roll over to that mouth thing that will grab it and cause the nearby door to open. Head on through. Keep following that path and go on through the doors. The second door has an eye scanning the area so give it a quick shot to be able to open the door.

After another door or two you'll find your path obscured by a number of … things. Fire off a round or two to have them explode and open up the path again. Keep on going straight down it. Duck to get through the far end of the tunnel. Once you pass by the place with all the women far below you and you go around the next corner, you will be attacked by an Octobrain. Give it some lead love but try to be away from it when it dies. These things explode.

Just keep going forward. You'll see a trio of Octobrains float by which you can't kill. Keep following the path you've been on and jump onto the flower-thing that opens to get a bounce up to the next part of the area. For now, any time you see the flowers, just jump onto them and they'll launch you where you need to go. After the trio of flowers you'll encounter the twins again, who will unfortunately explode into small octobrains that will try to swarm you. Shoot them or stomp them to move on forward. Drop down behind where they were and take care of the women around the room. Be sure to slap the wall-boobs for an Ego Boost. Now explode the left-side of the room to find a corridor. Head down it and follow it to the left. Keep following it until you find another glowing bug. Pop off a shot at it to get it to ball up. As you do, some of the Octobrains will attack you, the air borne kind. Now push it into the main room and toward the blocked off door to your left. A hand will grab it and the door will open.

Head to the left. To make progress through the hive.