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Duke Nukem Forever Walkthrough Part 29 – The Generator Room

Duke Nukem Forever Walkthrough Part 29 – The Generator Room

Head to the left and through the silver double-doors. Keep going forward through a second set of double-doors. Head down the stairs to find General Grieves. He will tell you that you can shut down the portal if you kill the power in the dam. Once Grieves moves, head through the double-doors ahead of you. Drop down to the floor below. Now head over to the part of the exploding spore and the glowing bulbs. Make your way forward through that field to the opposite side. Once you make it to the suspended pair of pipes, hop down and take the ladder up that is on your right. You will find some controls to the right at the top of the ladder. Use them to bring the pipes over to you by raising them up then bringing them to the right. Now hop across them to the other side of the room. There will be a Pregnator waiting over there for you and another small alien at least. Kill them both and get up on the second turbine. There is a break in its railing you will want to walk through. Take it onto the root and over to the next turbine. Again, some Pregnators will be waiting for you so kill them quickly.

Head over to the far turbine and climb up on the root that is touching down on it. Take it up the catwalk. There is a kind old man who will offer to swing you across with the crane. Take him up on the offer by going up the stairs just beyond him. On top you will find a Ripper and a Devastator, take your weapon of choice for Assault Captains because you have quite a few to deal with. Once it gets close to the fair side, you will encounter the Octoking again, boss time.

The Octoking is a lot harder this time around. It will spawn Octobrains and send them at you along with psychic attacks. There is a finite number of Octobrains and your life is made much easier by laying trip mines and pipe bombs along the crane and letting them come to you. You have an infinite supply of ammo and explosives thanks to the pile nearby. You can also throw pipe bombs at the Octobrains but you must very quick in exploding them else they are hurled back at you.

When you kill all the Octobrains it is time to go at the Octoking properly. His blast are very powerful but you have some good shelter. Hit the EDF ammo crate whenever you need more Devastator ammo. Once you get his life in the red, STOP FIRING! This can glitch the game. Let him die peacefully because he is bringing it for round three! Good news is this is as easy as the first round. Just unload the Devastator on him and he should die for real.

Head down the stairs that drop down from the floor. Go along that walkway, smashing the lock off the fence to reach the Octoking. Now just go through the door beside him and the double-doors beyond that. Step into the open elevator door, jump over to the other elevator then dive down into the water below.