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Dark Souls Walkthrough Part 6 – Undead Parish (Exterior)

Dark Souls Walkthrough Part 6 – Undead Parish (Exterior)

If you managed to get past the dragon, you will be at a bonfire. You this to heal as well as level up some. If you head to the right you will find some easy kills waiting for you there. Use any stored souls here to get the most out of them with minimal risk too. When you are ready, look to the left to spot a lever. Pull it to open the gate to gain deeper access to the Undead Parish.

*If you came from the lower path, avoiding the dragon, you rejoin here.

Go up the stairs and stop at the archway. You want to thin out the enemies here else you will die very quickly. Now advance enough to lure one or both of the zombies flanking the boar to you. Kill them thus ensuring a better chance of surviving the armored boar (properly called an Armored Tusk). You want to lure it to the fire that is in the lower area. This takes a little practice to get to trigger right but very doable once you get it. Go up the stairs until you are just next to the fire then stand so one foot is going over the ledge. More likely than not the Armored Tusk will charge you there. You need to then run back a bit to avoid being hit. Rinse and repeat until the Armored Tusk it dead. Now head up the stairs and lure the nearby Zombie to you. Fight it in the stairwell to make it easier to take out. After that head up and over to the bridge to kill the two remaining archers. Now head down the stairs and make for the closed gate. On the platform where the Armored Tusk started, head to the right and take the nearby stairs down. This lead to the small room you need to get through. White it has weaker zombies there are good number of them to pose a threat. Head up the stairs and go to the left. Take care of the last zombie and go into the area he came from. There is a corpse there with a Mystery Key on it. Grab it then head back up the stairs and take the nearby ladder, on the right, upwards. There is another pair of zombies here fro you to kill. Again be careful. After them, look toward the ladder and on one of the beams you will see a corpse with an item, a Large Lost Soul. Walk over to it carefully to claim it for your own. Head across the main platform to the next ladder and take it up. Head forward and to the right to find the White Light. Head on through it.

Cross the bridge in front of you. If you want to grab a shield head to the right at the end of the bridge. You need to get past an Elite Undead Guard but the reward is worth it. It is very risky and it has been a while since a bonfire. Still, solid defense can carry the day especially if you are adept at parrying. A few firebombs help a lot too. Head to the left and up the nearby stairs. There is another corridor that you must be wary exiting. There are two enemies at the end of it and they will attempt to pincer you given the chance. Advance to lure them to you, giving you a chance to take them one on one. Again, the use of a Firebomb makes this a lot easier. Once the pair is dead head to the left. Take the first left to get behind the gate that was blocking you originally. You may draw an Elite Guard out from the nearby church but there is plenty of room to maneuver here so it will be easier to kill him. Head down the stairs opposite the Church to find the basement key and the lever to open the gate. Do so to simply make your life easy to return to here. Now head back up the stairs you came down to get in front of the church.

Head across the makeshift wooden bridge that is nearby. There are two sword and shield guards and an archer. Fight carefully then make your way to the right into the building over there. Go down to find not only a bonfire but a blacksmith one more level down. Take advantage of this to start working on the inhabitants of the church. If you have some Gold Resin, use this to deal with the Heavy Armor in the back of the church. Lure it out to the courtyard where two swords and archer were. Apply when you can and you should easily be able to clear most of the church. Now head straight across and into the open door. There you can manage to get back to the Firelink Shrine and open a path back up here. This can let you refresh to 10 Estus Flask. Take some time to restore your stuff, possibly level up.