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Dark Souls Sorcery Guide

Dark Souls Sorcery Guide

Aural Decoy
Uses: 20
Min Int: 10
Slots: 1
Acquisition: Griggs of Vinhelm, 1,000 Souls
It emits a beam that will create a sound at the targeted location for 30 seconds. This will lure most enemies to that location.

Cast Light
Uses: 3
Min Int: 14
Slots: 1
Acquisition: Dusk of Oolacille, 1,000 Souls
It last 5 minutes per casting. Create a large amount of additional light.

Uses: 11
Min Int: 14
Slots: 1
Acquisition: Dusk of Oolacille, 3,000 Souls
You become an object in the scenery. Very useful to get the first hit in PvP and to hide from enemies as long as they do not see you move or cast the spell.

Fall Control
Uses: 10
Min Int: 15
Slots: 1
Acquisition: Griggs of Vinhelm, 1,500 Souls
While the spell is active you will not take damage for falling 20 meters or less.

Hidden Body
Uses: 3
Min Int: 14
Slots: 1
Acquisition: Dusk of Oolacille, 2,000 Souls
The caster's body becomes nearly transparent for 30 seconds. Makes hard for enemies and invading players to know your location.

Hidden Weapon
Uses: 3
Min Int: 14
Slots: 1
Acquisition: Dusk of Oolacille, 2,000 Souls
Hides your right-hand weapon only for 60 seconds. Solely for PvP so the attacker has no idea what to defend against.

Homing Soul Mass
Uses: 10
Min Int: 18
Slots: 1
Acquisition: In the Duke's Archives: Griggs of Vinhelm, Big Hat Logan, 20,000 Souls
Creates 2-5 Orbs, depending on your Intelligence, that will orbit the caster. They remain until expended either by hitting the environment or nearby enemies.

Homing Crystal Soul Mass
Uses: 10
Min Int: 24
Slots: 1
Acquisition:In the Duke's Archives: Big Hat Logan, 30000 Souls
Creates 2-5 Orbs, depending on your Intelligence, that will orbit the caster. They remain until expended either by hitting the environment or nearby enemies. These do more damage.

Uses: 5
Min Int: 15
Slots: 1
Acquisition: Drops from Griggs of Vinhelm, Sen's Fortress
For 30 seconds all general noise the caster makes is muted. Jumping and swinging a weapon will still be heard.

Magic Shield
Uses: 5
Min Int: 10
Slots: 1
Acquisition: Griggs of Vinhelm, Big Hat Logan, 3,000 Souls
Reduces magic damage to 30% when blocked with your shield. The spell last for 25 second and takes a few moments to cast.

Strong Magic Shield
Uses: 3
Min Int: 15
Slots: 1
Acquisition: The Duke's Archive/Crystal Cave
As Magic Shield but negates all damage. The duration remains 25 seconds.

Magic Weapon
Uses: 5
Min Int: 10
Slots: 1
Acquisition: Griggs of Vinhelm, Big Hat Logan, 3,000 Souls
Gives your weapon Magical properties. This version gives you a Magic Attack rating of 80. This can only be applied to weapons without additional properties. It lasts 60 seconds.

Great Magic Weapon
Uses: 3
Min Int: 15
Slots: 1
Acquisition: Anor Londo
Gives your weapon Magical properties. This version gives you a Magic Attack rating of 110. This can only be applied to weapons without additional properties. It lasts 60 seconds.

Crystal Magic Weapon
Uses: 3
Min Int: 25
Slots: 1
Acquisition: Duke's Archives: Big Hat Logan, 20,000 souls
Gives your weapon Magical properties. This version gives you a Magic Attack rating of 140. This can only be applied to weapons without additional properties. It lasts 60 seconds.

Uses: 1
Min Int: 14
Slots: 1
Acquisition: Dusk of Oolacille, 10,000 souls
Repairs all weapons and armor currently equipped.

Resist Curse
Uses: 4
Min Int: 16
Slots: 1
Acquisition: Ingward 5,000 souls
This spell acts as a Purging stone removing the Curse status and your present curse build-up.

Uses: 4
Min Int: 16
Slots: 1
Acquisition: Blighttown/Quelaag's Domain
Acts as a Full Heal, restoring you from any poison or bleeding status and alleviating the build-up.

Soul Arrow
Uses: 30
Min Int: 10
Slots: 1
Acquisition: Big Hat Logan, Griggs of Vinhelm, 1,000 souls and Ricket of Vinhelm, 2,000 souls
Default Sorcerer spell. Fastest casting time but lowest damage of the series.

Great Soul Arrow
Uses: 20
Min Int: 14
Slots: 1
Acquisition: Big Hat Logan, Griggs of Vinhelm, 6,000 souls
Second spell in the series. Increased damaged but longer casting time.

Heavy Soul Arrow
Uses: 12
Min Int: 12
Slots: 1
Acquisition: Big Hat Logan, Griggs of Vinhelm, 2,000 souls and Ricket of Vinhelm, 4,000 souls
Third spell in the series. Increased damaged but longer casting time.

Great Heavy Soul Arrow
Uses: 8
Min Int: 16
Slots: 1
Acquisition: Big Hat Logan, Griggs of Vinhelm, 8,000 souls
Strongest Soul Arrow. Longest casting time and highest damage.

Soul Spear
Uses: 4
Min Int: 36
Slots: 1
Acquisition: Big Hat Logan, Duke's Archives: Griggs of Vinhelm, 40,000 Souls
Same casting time as the first Soul Arrow but greater damage than Great Heavy Soul Arrow.

Crystal Soul Spear
Uses: 4
Min Int: 44
Slots: 1
Acquisition: Duke's Archives: Big Hat Logan, 50,000 souls.
Increased damage but no additional casting time over Soul Spear.

White Dragon Breath
Uses: 20
Min Int: 50
Slots: 1
Acquisition: Final encounter: Big Hat Logan
Very similar to the spell cast by Seath the Scaleless. This spell actually moves along the terrain going up and down with it. It can also pass through an enemy group and damage all in its path. It does not need to be targeted and works very well to set an ambush.