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Dark Souls Boss Guide Part 6 – Seath the Scaleless, Pinwheel, Gravelord Nito

Dark Souls Boss Guide Part 6 – Seath the Scaleless, Pinwheel, Gravelord Nito

Seath the Scaleless
This demon has a lot of attacks that induce the Curse status. It has three curse beam attacks, one close range, one far and one that simply shoots out to  the end of the room. It is nearly impossible to defend against its attack so you need to just go two-handed and forget about even trying to defend. The most dangerous attack is its explosion attack. It will take a moment to charge before it unleashes the attack. Use this lull to run a good distance away to avoid being taken out by the attack.

Playthrough 1
Since Seath the Scaleless will not attack you immediately when you enter the room. This is important to use to fully prepare for the battle and it lets you get to the first thing you need to hit before you can even touch Seath. It also gives

When the battle itself starts you want to run for the opposite end of the room. You will find a small cave and inside you will find Seath's heart. Hit it once to make him vulnerable. Now turn and just run for Seath and begin your assault. Move in and keep on your toes. Constantly move and roll to dodge as many of Seath's attacks as possible. If possible head for behind Seath the Scaleless. Aim to get between one of his side tails and his tail. Now you need to just watch for his tail thrash attacks and the explosion. These are very choreographed attacks making it easier to simply avoid. If you are magically-inclined for the battle you have it very easy. You have a lot of attack options and his curse beam attacks are very easy to dodge.

New Game +
Stock up on curse removing items or ones that increase your resistance to it. This fight gets easier the second time around as you have much better equipment and will find it easier to land powerful attacks against Seath. Again, first go for the crystal heart behind you in the cave to be able to hurt Seath. After that, close the gap or start launching off your spells.

This demon has a great love for fire-based attacks. It will also create a number of closes of itself. These, unfortunately, have access to all of pinwheel's attacks. This makes things a lot harder as they can surround you.  Keep these clone numbers low to avoid a very dangerous situation. Especially when there are a few of these clones, stay away from the center of the room to avoid getting blasted by numerous fireball attacks. Keep in mind it has two fireball attacks, one for close range, one slower but more damaging. The mid-range attack it has is a flamethrower-style. This is something to avoid, not block, as it hits multiple time. It, and the clones, and teleport around the room so try not to fret about it and just bring your weapon of choice down on whatever is closest.

Playthrough 1
When you want to engage Pinwheel, you want to keep in motion more than anything. Keep to the sides of the room to avoid getting surrounded by Pinwheel and its clones. At any time take down a nearby clone.  You can see the original go through a very distinct animation when it creates a new clone. This makes it easy to track down and hurt then. Close range attacks have the advantage here as they are faster than most spells. Spell casters will need fast and damaging spells to keep up with the clones and Pinwheel. A divine weapon will ensure great damage overall here.

New Game +
Kieep the cliones that Pinwheel creates under control. They will go down very easily but it is still important know which one is real and which are fake. Keep an eye out for the cloning animation to locate the original. Still, do not pursue it if it involves crossing the center of the room or through a small collection of clones.

Gravelord Nito
This fight requires a divine weapon to ensure good damage and the skeletons will remain down. They will raise again otherwise. There are some giant skeletons in the room as well. Nito does not make it too easy even when you get through to it properly. While it only has a total of six attacks it has powerful attacks. The main ones to dodge would be its explosion and slam attacks. Be sure to run when you see the dark light begin to gather around Nito as it is about to use its explosion attacks. Watch for its hand to glow red as this is the precursor to its grab attack. It can very well kill you if it manages to grab you with this attack. In most cases it is better to roll or run away from the attacks as, without massive stamina, they will break your guard.

Playthrough 1
When you start the fight you want o stay by the door you entered through to lure the skeletons to you. Now just listen for a cry from Nito to know if it is using its long range attack, the floor stab. You want to close the gap between you and Nito quickly after you deal with the skeletons as this will make it easier to provoke attacks and give you a better chance to counter him by dodging. Spell casters will find something of an advantage here as they only need to contend with his floor stab attack.

New Game +
Once again focus fire first on the skeletons to reduce the enemy load you have in the area. After that focus in on Nito in your preferred style. If you are a melee character keep an eye out for its explosion, slam and grab attacks. Spell casters only need to worry about the floor stab.