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Uncharted 3 Walkthrough Chapter 1 - Another Round

From the start screen, select "CAMPAIGN" to start the single player adventure. Select a new game. Next you will select the difficulty. We recommend choosing "NORMAL", however if you are a very casual gamer then go with one of the easier levels, and if you are totally hardcore the go ahead and select HARD! After it creates a save game, a cutscene will start.

You see Nathan "Nate" Drake and Victor "Sully" Sullivan entering a pub in London, England. They approach the bartender who gives them a signal where to go. you enter a lounge where some men are playing billiard, and you get searched for weapons. They talk to Talbot in regards to a trade - he asks you if you have it, but you want to see the money first. He shows you  a briefcase full of money and you give him the ring for inspection. Its a silver, 16th century, Elizabethan design and inscribed with Sir Francis Drake's Motto. It is genuine. But then you realize the money Talbot gave you is fake! You tell him the deal is off, and start heading out, but he has other plans for you and orders his men to attack you. This will start a short tutorial to get you acquainted with the controls.

You gain control of Drake as he is fighting one of the thugs. Press the SQUARE button to attack. Press the TRIANGLE button to counter attack. Keep following the prompts on the screen. Press TRIANGLE to counter attack while grabbed. Press CIRCLE repeatedly to escape a grab.

After you defeat this group of thugs and head to the door, suddenly a big fellow will show up. He will throw you down the window and into the bar, for another round of fighting.

Make sure to collect the treasures here when possible. Treasures will appear as small, flashing objects. One is in the change slot of some sort of arcade machine. The other behind the bar where the bartender first stood, in the shelf where the bottles are.

To throw a nearby enemy, press CIRCLE while holding the LEFT STICK in the desired direction. Press SQUARE to attack against a wall or object.

More guys will come and attack you. Fight them. The big guy will knock you into the bathroom. Finish him off. Leave, going out the back.

In the kitchen, you will run into more enemies. Defeat them, and finally exit through the back door. But the thugs will be waiting for you in the alley, you are outnumbered.

Talbot will arrive with Kate Marlowe, and she will take the ring off your neck. As you try to stop her, you and Sully are shot by the leader, a guy named Cutter, and you both appear to be dead.