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Uncharted 3 Walkthrough Chapter 14 - cruisin for a Bruisin

In the previous chapter, Nate managed to reach the cruise ship where he thinks Sully is being held.

Climb the ladder and board the cruise ship. Run along the deck and make your way towards the rear of the ship. Climb the stairs. the sea is stormy, watch for objects falling on you. You gotta get to the upper deck. Jump onto the lifeboat. The support row will snap and it will fall. Climb the lifeboat and climb onto the support rope. Get to the crane. Move on the crane and Jump back onto the cruise ship.

Climb a ladder to reach the next deck up. Hide in the corner and ambush the pirate that is patrolling there. Knock out yet another pirate in your way. Run through the shipping containers. The boat is swinging pretty bad, and containers are rocking all over. So you cant use stealth. Knock out some more enemies in the decks with the containers. Try not to get seasick!

Keep watching for incoming water floods and loose containers that fly towards you.

Tap Green triangle button to open the big red door. You will hear Rameses on the speaker telling the pirates to take the prisoner into the hold. Now you know where Sully is!

Now you have to go right into the lion's den. Enter through the door into the ballroom. There will be a major battle in here.

This battle will be tough, as the Ballroom is a big open area without many good covers. Still, try to make good use of any cover you do find.  The pirates will be wearing body armor and will be heavily armed.

Defeat the initial wave of pirates and keep moving towards the front of the ballroom. There will be some snipers on the upper deck. Find cover behind one of the crates in the center of the ballroom and neutralize them.

The pirates will be throwing grenades at you at this stage. Be on alert for these grenades, and be prepared to pick it up and throw it back at them.

Make your way towards the ballroom exit. A couple of more pirates will show up, defeat them.

Exit the ballroom. You now have to get to the hold and find sully. Move along the ship's corridors. Enter a cabin with a pirate in it and kill him. Keep making your way down the ship towards the hold. Go down several flights of stairs. You  should arrive now at the hold and you will see Sully. Jump onto the pillar and start climbing down. Go to Sully who is tied up in a chair with a mask over his head.

But when you get to Sully and take off his mask, you realize that it is not really Sully. This was a trap. Rameses is now on the balcony above you with his men aiming their guns at you. It turns out that Rameses never had Sully in the first place. He was lieing. After all, he is a pirate.

He will send one of his men to you to tie you up. But as he approaches you, bash him in the head, grab his grenade, shoot Rameses and throw the grenade to create a distraction as you duck into cover.