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Uncharted 3 Walkthrough Chapter 15 - Sink or Swim

In the previous chapter, Nate made his way to the Ship's hold to rescue Sully, only to find out that it was a trap set up by Rameses, and that Sully was never on that ship in the first place. He manages to create a distraction and escape the captors.

Rameses calls reinforcements, and several more waves of pirates arrive.

The ship is swinging from side to side because of the storm. So watch for moving objects, like the car.

Water starts to flow into the Hold. The ship is sinking. You have to kill these guys fast so that you dont end up drowning. Water levels are rising rapidly.

The ship suddenly tips over violently! You find yourself under water. Try and swim to the top. You gotta get out of here. Get on the crates and climb up to the corridor. Drop down the door. start moving. Water will erupt all around you. A big generator will fall on you from the ceiling, trapping you below its weight. Tap Green triangle to lift it. Keep swimming, you will reach another obstacle. Use the triangle button to move it and swim into the narrow duct. Emerge out of the vent and breath some air.

More violent water will erupt towards you. Jump onto the red rope and climb it. Then climb the corridor, using doors for your footholds. The ship is tipped over so you are not sure which way is up.

Keep climbing, hanging onto doors and furniture. Open a door and use it as a platform. Climb up and walk on the side of the ship, passing through the window of the ballroom. Close the compartment behind you.

The ship will tilt again. The glass below you will break and you will fall onto the chandelier in the ballroom. Cant get much worse then this. Suddenlty the chandelier breaks. It can get worse. Swing on the red rope. You will drop down to the floor. The chandelier will drop after you, so duck so that you end up in the center of it.

Time to get out of this aquarium. Head towards the exit. Suddenly you hear a shot. Its Rameses! As if you did not have enough trouble already.

He will tell you "See you in hell, Habibi" and will shoot the glass window. All the water will now burst into the ship! Run away fast and jump out of the ship and into the rough ocean waters. Grab on to a plank and float.

You will be washed ashore. You wake up, it is daytime. You see a vulture in front of you. You look up and see a town. Looks like you are back in Yemen. Find Elena. She thought you were dead. Ask her about Sully. She will tell you he is alive, but that Marlowe's men have got him. They are in a convoy headed into the desert. You want to go rescue him but its not that simple. They got at least 2 days head start on you so you will never catch them. But Elena has got a plan. But you are only going to get one shot at this.

They're loading up a cargo plane at the airport. They're going to make a supply drop to the convoy. You gotta be on that plane. That means parachuting in. But you've done it before, albeit not well. Her contact in the airport told Elena that the airplane is not leaving until dawn, so she wants Nate to get a few hours of sleep in the meantime.