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Skyrim loading screen tips, hints, and lore - Song of the Dragonborn

Loading screen in Skyrim goes by too fast? Subtitles too small? No worries. Here is part 1 of the Loading Screen tips, hints, and lore for Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim

Redguards are 50% resistant to poison. They can use Adrenaline Rush to regenerate Stamina Quickly, for a short time.

Dual Wielding potentially doubles melee damage output... but prevents any kind of blocking

The Black Briars of Riften are one of the most influential and well connected clans in Skyrim

And the Scrolls have foretold,  of Black Wings in the cold, that when brothers wage war come unfurled! Alduin, Bane of Kings,  ancient shadows unbound,  with a hunger to swallow the world! -- Song of the Dragonborn

Namira is the Daedric Prince of darkness and revulsion, and is frequently associated with disease, spiders,insects, slugs, and other repulsive creatures

Many of Skyrim's Nords harbor a bitter resentment of all elvenkind, who've they've battled with throughout history. The Great War may be over, but its horrors are still fresh in the minds of the conflict's survivors.

Riften has earned quite a sinister reputation, mostly due to the Thieves' Guild presence in the sewers beneath the streets.

Skyrim Legend tells of a hero known as the Dragonborn,  a warrior with the body of a mortal and soul of a dragon, whose destiny is to destroy the evil dragon Alduin.

Argonians are the reptilian natives of the province of Black Marsh

Among the Companions' most treasured artifacts are the Fragments of Wuuthrad, the axe that Ysgramar himself wielded when leading the 5,000

Alchemy labs can be used to combine ingredients into useful potions and deadly poisons

Mephala is the Daedric Prince of Lies, Secrets and Plots... and thoroughly enjoys meddling in the affairs of mortals.

It is said that the only way to join the Black Brotherhood is to be contacted directly,  and the shadowy group of assassins is very selective in its recruiting.

While Hagravens can be deadly with their claws in close combat, they can prove equally challenging at a distance, when casting destruction spells.

"Questing heroes of all stripes seek after the fabled Daedric artifacts for their potent combat and magical benefits" -- Haderus of Gottlesfont, from Modern Heretics

The Sabre cat of Skyrim is a giant, ferocious predator, and will often ambush travelers who stray too far from the roads, and into the wilds.

An excessively high bounty will cause a hold's guard to attack the wanted person on sight

The Blades have long since disbanded,  and the organization's few remaining members have gone into hiding. The emperor is now protected by a special security force - the Penitus Oculatus.

The sneak skill makes it more difficult to be detected, which in turn allows for deadly stealth attacks.

The pickpocket skill is used to take things from an unsuspecting's target pockets... and not get caught in the process.

Agents of the High Elven Aldmeri Dominion are known as Thalmor. They maintain an embassy in Skyrim, and have been known to secretly capture and imprison any Nords who question their doctrines or beliefs