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Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword Walkthrough Part 22 – Farore's Courage

Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword Walkthrough Part 22 – Farore's Courage

Dive through the cloud to the entrance of Faron Woods. When you arrive Fi will bring you up to speed, giving you some idea of what to do. It likely has been a while since you were last here and now the enemies are harder and there will be Blue Bokoblins. These are twice as hardy as the rest of their kin, taking six strikes to defeat.

Before Link heads off to face the first of the three trials, you have new equipment that will allow you to collect more items this visit. First is a Piece Of Heart, so jump across the gap nearby the save statue and go up the log you pushed down just beyond it. Search along the northern wall, about where the t-intersection is in the path, to find a pile of rubble. Now head for the clearing behind the giant tree, in front of the white building. Here you will want to pull out the Goddess's Harp and strum. Fi will sing and help you summon up the portal to the first trial. Approach the seal, hold down “A” and swipe the Remote down for Link to drive his sword into the seal and transported … somewhere.

Welcome to the Silent Realm. Here you need to collect fifteen drops of Farore.  The catch is the realm is filled with Guardians who will force you to restart the challenge if they manage to catch you. Each time you collect on the fifteen drops, the Guardians will sleep for 90 seconds, so pay attention to your flower in the upper left. As it wilts, that timer will be running down. Everything begins as soon as you leave the circle you start in. Be sure to collect any Dusk Relics that you happen upon. They are essential for many upgrades and can only be found here in the Silent Realms. If you can collect a total of thirteen during this challenge you will be set for the rest of the game.

*Be sure to collect the fruit you can see scattered through the realm. This will place beacons you can see roaming around over the drops. This makes it much easier to track them down.

Drop 1
Fi will point it out to you. It is right in front of you.

Drop 2
Just up the stairs from the first drop. Go either left or right and circle upwards to the top of the building. There you will find the drop.

Drop 3
Drop down off the north side of the building and head west. You will see the drop just beyond another guardian and a Poe. Do not let the light from the Poe's lantern touch you as it will awaken the nearby guardian.

Drop 4
Head up onto the nearby root and dash up the wall onto the vines above. Climb to the left to collect the next drop. Drop down now, toward the drop that is below you.

Drop 5
As you approach the drop on the small island, Fi will contact you and tell you about the Waking Waters. Touching this will immediately awaken the guardians and they will come directly at you. Be sure to circle around to the other side of the island as well to collect a Dusk Relic.

Drop 6
Cross back over the Waking Water using the log and go southwest toward the next guardian. The next Tear Drop is right behind it. If you touch the Water just dash for the Drop and it is very likely you will make it before the Guardian can land a blow on you.

Drop 7
Head through the opening, going south. Climb up the ledges to get close to the next drop. Head a little to the right, behind the tree, to collect another Dusk Relic.

Drop 8
Head for the narrow walkway leading over to the tree nearby. Make the tightrope and on the other side of it  you will find another Tear Drop.

Drop 9
Go back across the tight rope and drop down. Under the archway you just walked across you will find another Dusk Relic. Now follow the dirt path to the small pond beyond it to collect the next Tear Drop on its far side.

Drop 10
Drop down behind the tree just to the west of the last Tear Drop. You will find another on the ledge below.

Drop 11
Continue west to find the next Tear Drop. You will find it by a tree nearby a Guardian. This one is interesting as Waking Waters ebb and flow from around the area of it. You need to reach for the drop as the Waters recede to avoid commanding the Guardian's attention.

Drop 12
Head along the path to the east and turn south on it when it does. At the end of this path is another Tear Drop. Be sure to collect the Dusk Relic that is just behind the tear.

Drop 13
Head northeast from the last drop, back to the path, you will reach the part of the path you need to dash up. The next drop is on there.

Drop 14
Head through the tree that is at the top of the slope. You will see the Drop just beyond that tree.

Drop 15
Head north and climb up the few ledges. You will find it on the top ledge.

Once you have collected all fifteen drops, return to the starting point. You also can now freely explore the Silent Realm, so take this time to collect a good number of Dusk Relics. Again, if you can collect thirteen, then you are all set for every upgrade that requires them. There appear to be about ten scattered throughout the realm. Once you have found everything you can, or trip one of the alarms, head for the starting circle to collect the Water Dragon's Scale. This will allow Link to dive underwater and explore.