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SWTOR Walkthrough - Sith Warrior - Arm Yourself

Prologue - The Sith Warrior
The SITH EMPIRE tightens its grip on the galaxy. The Galactic Republic and its Jedi defenders lie weakened and vulnerable after the Empire's successful military campaign. With a fragile peace negotiated, the Empire sends all potential Sith to undergo cruel and deadly trials at its Academy on the harsh planet of KORRIBAN. Today, one of the Empire's most promising young warriors has been secretly summoned by an influential overseer to face the dark side trials much sooner then expected.

In the Korriban Arrival Port, you are greeted by Overseer Tremel. For decades, he has administered the trials that prove who is and is not worthy to join the Sith Order. The trials are a chance to weed out the weak. Those who face them either survive and become Sith or die. Tell him it is in your blood. He will tell you it was not destiny which brought you here, Tremel summoned you. You will face your trials and serve him, and he will make you the most powerful acolyte here. There is an acolyte here named Vemrin. He is your enemy and will try to kill you. The practice sword you have arrived with is insufficient - the blade of lesser acolytes. You need a dominating weapon. In the tomb of Ajunta Pall, there's an old armory. A strong Sith warblade awaits you there. The tomb is thick with k'lor'slugs- deadly, savage creatures. Be speedy but careful. They've been the end of many an acolyte. Once you acquire the warblade, you should spend some time in the tomb bloodying it. Then return to Tremel in his chambers in the Academy.

Press "L" on the keyboard to bring up your mission panel:

Arm Yourself
Overseer Tremel has brought you to the Sith Academy on Korriban to begin your trials ahead of schedule. Your first mission is to acquire a blade more appropriate to your destiny - an ancient Sith warblade from the armory of the tomb of Ajunta Pall. Your first task is to explore the Armory.

Open your map by pressing "M" and locate the exit to Korriban, on the west. In the Valley of the Dark Lords, on the way, you can kill 6 K'lor'skug foragers to complete the bonus mission "reclaiming the valley". Go a little more west and enter the tomb of Ajunta Pall. In the tomb, head south to go to the Ajunta Pall Armory. Take the Blade of the Ancient from the Pedestal. On your way out of the armory, defeat 10 ancient droids to complete the bonus mission "Ajunta's Ancient Army". Your task now is to report to Overseer Tremel's new location in the Sith Academy.

swtor arm yourself

The only way to get to the Sith Academy is through the tomb. Follow the waypoints on your map. Head south in the tomb, and go up to the upper level. Make your way towards the exit, and you go outside you will emerge at the Sith Academy.

Enter the Academy and go to Overseer Tremel's chambers to the Southeast. Vemrin will confront you on the way. After you talk to him, you will talk to Overseer Tremel. He asks you what you think of your new blade, and tells you that Vemrin will not be so easy to dispose of since he had caught the attention of an influentual Darth. Tremel sends you on your next trial, to interrogate and sentence 3 prisoners.

This ends the quest "Arm Yourself" and starts the next mission, "Judge and Executioner".