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SWTOR Walkthrough - Soiree - Imperial Agent

You get the second class mission for the Imperial Agent, "Soiree", after completing the mission "Claim Your New Identity"

Open your mission log:

Operating undercover as the pirate "the Red Blade", you've been assigned to win Nem'ro the Hutt's allegiance for the Empire. You must introduce yourself to Nem'ro and deliver his tribute - surveillance equipment disguised as gifts. Proceed to Nem'ro's palace in Jiguuna and seek an audience with the Hutt.

Your first task is to speak to Nem'ro. The palace is located on the southern part of Jiguuna, just near the market. Enter the palace. Go to the room at the Southeast edge of the palace. Kaliyo Djannis is telling Karrels Javis that the pirate's on his way. Security droids say he is armed, but he won't be trouble. Karrels tells you about the rules for the meeting. He then takes you into the room and presents you to Nem'ro the Hutt, the illustrious crime king of Jiguuna. Nem'ro asks you what you brought for him. Tell him "Great Riches". Karrels inspects the gifts, observes that the idols are real aurodium and the cloth looks like real Tomuon. Nemro the Hutt tells you that you are an impressive creature and can conduct dealings on Hutta with his approval. He tells you to now go experience the luxuries of his palace, enjoy his slaves, and wallow in opulence. Choose "Thank you" in the next dialog. He introduces you to his advisors. You have met Karrels Javis. Any business you have may discuss with him.

Nemro the Hutt SWTOR

Toth'lazhen interrupts and says they have little time for guests right now. Security reports that Fa'athra an his clan have struck at their shipments again. The Hutt is upset. He sasy Jiguuna is his and Hutta is his. Fa'athra knows he defies the laws of the Cartel. When you ask Karrrels what is going on, he tells you they are having trouble with the Fa'athra clan, and it's getting to all of them. Fa'athra's out of line, but the Hutt Cartel hasn't bothered to interfere. According to Cartel rules, Nem'ro and Fa'athra are supposed to stick to their territories. Fa'athra's decided Cartel rules don't apply. He tells you he needs to work up new plans with security and keep an eye on Toth'lazhen to keep him from suggesting anything stupid.

Nem'ro has provided you with a suite in his palace, which should server as a suitable base of operations. You should visit that suite and report to your handler. Your suite is to the east of the main rest area. Before contacting your handler, you need to sweep the room for any listening devices. Search the Wardrobe in the corner,  and Wall computer near the door to make sure they don't have surveillance on them. The door panel to the left of the door is also clean. Try the Stout Liquor Bottle near the big monitor. It has a listening device on it! You disable it. The Tall Liquor Bottle on the table is clean, and so is the short bottle. Search the Desk Lamp to find another surveillance device. Check the Pzaak Table - Clean. Then search the Chess Table. It has the third and last surveillance device.

You can now use Holoterminal to contact your intelligence handler. He tells you that the listening device you planted in the present for Nemro is working perfectly and Nemro can keep no more secrets from us. Imperial intelligence has determined that Nem'ro's human lieutenant, Karrels Javis, is the weak link in his operation. You're going to twist the man until he serves you. Karrels has advised the Hutt for many years, and he's Sympathetic towards the Empire - he admires our efficiency, and he prefers humans in authority. He'll do for our purposes. Unfortunately, Karrels is on the verge of disfavor with Nem'ro, while the Twi'lek lieutenant, Toth'lazhen, is Nem'ro's rising star. Keeper wants you to go to Karrels and offer your services as the Red Blade. Do whatever is required to bring Karrels glory in Nem'ro's eyes. Karrels's work has been suffering due to the interference of the Fa'athra clan. Nem'ro finds that an unacceptable excuse for failure.

Keeper also informs you that this operation has drawn the attention of a member of the Dark Council - Darth Jadus himself. The Council's authority is second only to that of the Emperor. It's a rare honor for an intelligence operation to be overseen in this way.

You get a blaster rifle as a reward, Xuvva Hunter's Sport Rife. This concludes the mission "Soiree" and starts the next one, "Subverting Karrels Javis".