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SWTOR Walkthrough - Rajivari's Legacy - Jedi Consular

You receive the mission "Rajivari's Legacy" after completing the mission "The Footsteps of the Fallen"

Open your mission log:

Rajivani's Legacy
Qyzen Fess went to explore the waterfall caves for clues on where the Fount of Rajivari is located, but he has not returned. Master Yuon Par has grown worried and asked you to look for Qyzen. There may be clues to Qyzen's whereabouts inside the waterfall cave.

Your first task is to search for Qyzen Fess. To reach waterfall cave, go from  Forward Camp to Kaleth Ruins, but instead of entering the ruins, turn to the east, then follow the road south. The entrance to the cave is to the right of the big waterfall. Follow the cave south, then east at the first junction and go to the edge of the tunnel. Nalen's Followers and Nalen's Loyalists are waiting for you there. Defeat 12 Twi'leks to complete the bonus mission "Twi'lek Trouble".

You come upon several Twi'lek guards who have Qyzen inside a cage. Defeat the Twi'lek guards. Then free Qyzen Fess. He tells you he was captured by Nalen Raloch and tortured. Nalen also tricked Qyzen into thinking he was talking to Master Yuon Par, and got him to reveal the coordinates of the Fount of Rajivari. Qyzen Fess becomes your companion at this stage.

You now have all the coordinates to the Fount of Rajivari and clues to protect yourself against its traps. Travel to the Fount of Rajivari in the ruined acropolis. On the way, defeat 15 Flesh Raiders and their reprogrammed droids within the Forge remnants ruins for bonus mission "Remnants Incursion". Inside the Acropolis, kill 5 Flesh Raiders High Shaman for bonus mission "Hunting High and Low".

You run into the Guardian of the Fount, who wants to purify you by flame. Tell him you are resolute. The Guardian tells you that the found of Rajivari is not kind to intruders. Flee, or suffer.

Your task now is to investigate the Found of Rajivari. You will encounter with the wounded Twi'lek. He is badly injured, but still wants to kill you. Your options will be:

I must heal your pain
Do what you must
I won't show you mercy.

Choose the first option. Then, check the stone carving in the chamber to the north. As soon as you touch the stone, you smell something seeping into the room. Qyzen Fess tells you he scents cyanogen gas, which is poison. It will not affect him, but will harm you. The smell of gas gets worse. Already it is becoming difficult to breathe. Your options are:

Attack the Stone
Try to stop the gas
Meditate and endure it

choose to Meditate and endure the gas. You suffer the Cyanogen gas for several minutes before it recedes. Your Jedi training has kept you alive, but you feel deathly ill.

After facing each of Rajivari's challenges, the shadowy form of Rajivari himself appears. Speak to him. He tells you that he had meant for Nalen to become his apprentice. But Nalen walked through the traps instead of solving them. He created a monster instead of a successor. Nalen will not remake the Jedi. He wishes to destroy them and everything else on this world. Beginning with the great Forge where lightsabers are made. Without the Forge, the Jedi lose their martial power. You must stop Nalen before he destroys it.

Fount of Rajivari SWTOR

A simple procedure could convert the hilt you carry into a working lightsaber hilt, and perhaps a crystal from the Forge caves to power it, given its age. Pass through the caves, and seek the Forge at the mountain's summit. Stop Nalen. Your dialog options will be:

If it must be done (LIGHT)
I'd like to help you pass on (NEUTRAL)
Give me your wisdom instead (DARK)

Choose the first option, unless you are following the dark path.

This concludes the mission "Rajivari's Legacy" and starts the next mission, "The Forge".