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Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword Walkthrough Part 40 – Lanayru Gorge Final Trial

Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword Walkthrough Part 40 – Lanayru Gorge Final Trial

Drop down at the entrance to the Lanayru Mine. You will encounter one of your Goron friends from the last time you were here. Claw Shot up to where he is using the nearby target. Finish talking with him then head forward to the Lanayru Caves where you originally encountered him. Head over to where he was digging to see a crawl space has opened up. Grab one of the nearby bomb flowers and roll it in to blast the way clear. Go on through that and be sure to play for the butterflies to summon a new gossip stone for the crafting item it will award you. Head on through the entrance of the Lanayru Gorge

Head on forward. Like the rest of this area, the Time-Shift Stones are integral to solving the puzzle. First though you need to gain access to more of this area. Look to your right, about halfway between the entrance and the skeleton, to find a cactus with a bomb flower growing on it. Pull out the Hook Beetle and use it to grab the bomb and drop it onto the pile of rubble that is sitting on the nearby platform. Head on over after you blast away the rubble. If you read the notice, you know you need a key from the dragon. Getting it is not too hard, head south, so you can easily reach below where the skeleton is on the main platform. Look underneath it and you will notice something sparkling. Pull out the Hook Beetle again and use it to retrieve the key that is shining down there. Now head up to the locked door.

On the other side of the door pull out the Claw Shots and start grappling along the Peahats that are floating around there. Climb up and head into the cave ahead. You will spot a mine cart with rocks in it. Once again, thrust the master sword into the mess of rocks to activate the Time-Shift Stone within. Talk with the nearby robot to learn more about what is going on in the past. The cart will start moving, with the stone. Move with it carefully as there are a number of rooms that are filled with Quicksand that can suck Link up if he is not careful. Follow the cart along on the left-hand for now. There is a floor plate you will need to step on to open the way forward. Hang around the cart for this next room, fight off the Technoblins and the Deku Babas that get in your way. Thankfully you do not need to kill them all to progress forward. More often than not you can just wait them out and the cart will pass by them, plunging them back into the past. You only need to kill the Deku Baba at the very back of the room as it is right by the next floor switch. In the next room move forward quickly to stay at the edge of the time stone's influence. This let's Link kill the Technoblins as they appear, making your life easier. When you reach the far door, climb up the vines to the right. There is a platform above you with the switch needed to open the door below. Drop back down to the ground quickly.

Head into the next room and immediately make for the platforms to your right. Go forward and to the left, over to the wall. Climb the vines there quickly and drop onto the platform below. Cross to the other side of the room. The cart will stop at this point, so take your time. Kill the Deku baba who is waiting for Link there then turn around and pull out the Claw Shots. Grapple over to the other side of the area, drop down, and step on the switch there to let the cart advance.

Once the cart starts advancing, pull out the Claw Shots and be ready to grapple over to the next of vines on the opposite side almost immediately. Be sure to grab every stamina fruit so Link will not fall, forcing you to restart this part. Start this climb by going low. After the first set of steam vents climb up. It is only after the third steam vent that some platforms will appear. The cart will stop at another door so Link will have a moment. Look up, over at the opposite side, and use the Claw Shots to reach the target, grapple over to the second and drop down onto the platforms below. Step on the floor switch to let the cart advance.

This next section is all about Claw Shot grappling. Just aim quickly and carefully. There are some Keese in this room as well but the Time-Shift Stone seems to prevent them from reaching you. The final target in this sequence is a patch of vines just above the opening into the next area. This this short part you have a number of Green Chuchus that will drop from the ceiling. While they present no threat to you, the fact they hold you in place does. Kill the ones that get in your way quickly. Farther in you will encounter a pair of Deku Babas. The cart will stop at another gate so use whatever strategy works to kill them both. Go up to the gate and pull out the whip and use it to flip the switch on the other side of the gate.

Hug close to the cart as it comes around the first corner here. There are razors sliding back and forth in this section and only the cart can reliably protect you. There are a few Chuchus in the area as well but they are only worth mentioning. At the second bend, a Technoblin will be resurrected, so kill it quickly then turn toward the gap. Pull out the whip and swing over to the other side of it using the overhanging branch. There might be an ancient flower in this area so keep an eye out for it if you still need them. Turn to the left and swing over to the next part after that, just be mindful of the Deku Baba that is also on the same platform as you. Again, for this section, hang close to the cart to avoid the razors on the ground. After you get past all the razors, let the cart come to a stop. This is something of a tricky part. You need to run over the quicksand, grabbing the stamina fruits to stay up, to reach the area below the lever on the wall. Dash up to it (or use the whip) to pull it and let the mine cart advance.

This room is tricky as you have a number of enemies you need to fight/avoid. There is one Beamos that is sitting right on the cart track that you will need to destroy. After that, deal with the one Technoblin, and get the cart to the next door. You now have another pair of Beamos to deal with. Deal with them isolated to ensure a quick victory and to get the cart to advance as there is a lever for the door is behind the Beamos on the left.

Head through and wait for the cart to advance over the gorge. This is the final stretch. Platforms will start to appear in front of you so move onto them. After the second one though a Deku Baba will appear you need to kill with haste. Jump past once it is dead. The cart will stop shortly after this as there is a large pile of boulders in the way. Pull out the Hook Beetle and launch it at the small outcropping just under the mine cart tracks. There are bomb flower on there so grab one and bring it back to drop on the rubble. Once the mine cart starts moving again you will encounter a pair of Deku Babas followed by the Quadro Baba. Just go up the stairs and wait for the mine cart. This will complete its circuit and it will revive the dragon.

Talk with the the dragon. It is very clear he is sick and cannot sing right now. Talk with his robot friend to learn that there is a seeding from the Tree Of Life, which would restore the dragon's health. Head east from the dragon to find the bridge his helper mentioned. Just go forward, dashing on the quick sand, to reach the raised plateau with the tree on it. Blow away the pile of dust to reveal a Time-Shift Stone. Strike it to send the withered tree into the past when it was a seedling. Be sure to drop down and use a Skyward Strike on the nearby Goddess Cube! Now head back to the main platform, it is time to head to the Sealed Grounds. The hard part of this is you need to shoot an arrow at the mine cart and reactivate the Time-Shift Stone that is nearby the Thunder Dragon. Head over to the Save Statue and make the trip to the Sealed Grounds.

At the Sealed Grounds head into the temple. Head into the Time Portal and over to the left, to where Groose will stand and plant the Seedling there. Now head back through the Time Portal and collect the fruit by hitting it with something. Return to the Lanayru Gorge and give the dragon the fruit to cure his illness. He will now teach you the final of the Song Of The Hero. Time to head for the place the Triforce is supposed to be hidden, Skyloft.