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Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword Walkthrough Part 42 – Sky Keep

Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword Walkthrough Part 42 – The Final Dungeon, Sky Keep

You are now back in Skyloft and it is time to find the last dungeon and seek out the Triforce within. Make for the small set of platforms that lead to the Waterfall cave. Just after you cross them, head to the left. You will see a small Bird Statue with only one jeweled eye. Walk over to it and hit “A” to place the Stone Of Trials. One very dramatic cutscene ensues and after it you need to Claw Shot over to the entrance of the final dungeon.

Sky Keep
Head forward and collect the map from inside the chest in front of you. This opens the gates to your left. Head into the formerly gated area and over to the left. You will find a pedestal with the layout of the dungeon in front of you. From the block just above the empty space and pull it down into the empty space. Step out from the pedestal and go through the newly opened door in front of you.

To make things simple, the rooms will be labeled as such, going from the default arrangement:
Top Left: 1 (doors east and south)
Top Center: 2 (doors north and east)
Top Right: 3 (doors east and west)
Middle Left: 4 (door west)
Middle Center: 5 (doors north and south)
Middle Right: 6 (doors west and north)
Bottom Left: 7 (doors south  and west)
Bottom Center: 8 (doors south and east)

Room 6 – Forest Glen
Head to the right from the entrance and come face to face with a trio of Deku Babas. Kill them all and head forward to the edge of the cliff. Pull out the Hook Beetle and launch it across the gap in front of you to free the rope on the far side of it. Pull out the whip and swing onto the branch above you onto the rope you freed to complete the crossing. On the far side though you will find a Skulltula waiting for you on the other side. Kill it then pull out your bow and look to the left. You will spot a Furnix you can pick off easily with it. Grapple over to the first stone pillar using the Claw Shots then over to the second. Keep them out and look behind you. The third target is in the Stone Fish's mouth on the wall. Grapple over there and drop down to the ledge below it. For the first time in a long while you need to deal with Pyrups. They block the path forward by spurting flames blocking the rope ahead. Pull out the Hook Beetle and send it at the pillar you were just on to claim a pair bomb flowers to blast these creatures with. Once they are dead, jump over to the rope and swing over to the far side, to the platforms. For these, pull out the Gust Bellows and use it to propel the platform forward to the next one. Repeat on this one to push it over to the ledge behind you. Remember to face the platform you are trying to get to. Back on solid ground, you can easily reach the save statue. The butterflies to your left will reveal a Goddess Wall for you to use. Head down that way to pull the switch on the nearby wall to open the gate, creating a shortcut back to the entrance of the dungeon. Head back there now.

Arrange the rooms so Room 5 links with Room 6. Head back into Room 6 and through thre gate you raised to reach the next room.

Room 5 – Desert Room
Save using the Statue to the right of the entrance then head all the way to the left to rach the Time-Shift Orb that rest there. Grab it and start toward the opposite end of the room. Deal with the Technoblins that pop up then head through the unbarred door with the Time-Shift Orb. Head down the stairs and kill the Sentrobe that awaits at the bottom. Set down the orb and climb the nearby ladder up. Pull the lever at the top to the left and drop down to the Time-Shift Orb. Grab it and carry it forward to the gate ahead. Stand on the floor panel and throw the Time-Shift Orb through the gate. Climb back up the ladder and go to the opposite end of the room. There is another floor switch for you to stand on to retrieve the Time-Shift Orb. Grab the Orb and head for the nearby door and go on through. Head left and go down the ramp nearby the Wind Platform. Defeat the pair of Technoblins that are waiting at the bottom. Place the Time-Shift Orb in the Southwest corner of the lower area and back up so you can use your bow to hit the arrow target that you just clear barbed wire from. Grab the orb, head up the ramp and place it on the Wind Platform. Head to the opposite end of the room and pull the wall switch that is there. This will call the platform over to you with the Time-Shift Orb on it. Grab it and head into the next area.

Inside this room you need to once again throw the orb onto a conveyer belt. Head through the nearby opening to be able to shoot the five arrow targets above you. Be sure to use the bow to also kill the Beamos quickly so you do not have to worry about them. If you cannot pull off all five shots the first time, just use the whip on the lever between the two Beamos to reverse the direction of the belt and get another chance. Once you hit all five the way to the control panel opens up. Arrange the rooms so you can access Room 1 through Room 2 (likely by way of Room 8, below the room you are in).

Room 2 – Cave Room
Head to the left, through Red Arch, killing the Red Chuchus. Just beyond them, in the wall to the left, is a crawl space. Head through it to the left. There is a bomb flower in this room. Grab one and roll it into the crawl space to blast it open on the opposite end. Head on through to the room beyond. There is a very large Red Chuchu waiting for you in the room. Kill it then head a little to the north to find the burrow spot. Head a little up, smash the rocks and swipe at the switch above you to move the gate above you. Head back through the crawl space and head to the left. Through the next arch is a Dark Lizalfos. Defeat it then head forward a bit to find a statue. Throw a bomb into the statues hands to reveal the red gem behind it, do not go for it just yet. Now go stand on the raised area and pull out a bomb. Flick it along the sandy slope nearby so it will roll and land in the hands of the statue below. Run down the sandy slope now and climb up the vines you find nearby the Red Gems, again, do not active the gem yet. At the top you will see two groves of thin trees. Clear them all away using Skyward Strikes. Now pull out the Hook Beetle to grab at the Bomb Flower and deposit one into the hands of the statue that was behind the other set of trees. Now it is time to solve the puzzle of this room and start hitting the Red Gems. The order is from lowest (the one at the bottom of the sandy slope), the middle: the right of Link on the platform, and then the highest one: to your left. This will raise the bars on the opposite side of the room. Head through the newly opened door way and dive into the burrow that you find tucked way to the left of the door.

Inside the burrow move to the left of the bomb flower and hit it over into the pile of rubble on the right and then blast the second pile of rubble behind you. You need to hit the bomb multiple times to get things to work so expect it to take a try or two. Now head over to the switch and hit it to return it to its original position. Head out of the burrow and back into the room where you were rolling bombs. Look to the right to see a new passage has opened. Head down it. In the back left of the room you will find another burrow so dive in.

Inside this burrow, you need to defeat the roaming centipedes to progress. The good news is they both will keep to one side of the burrow. Handle them carefully and it should be no problem to kill them both. Once they are both dead, head for the exit in the top right part of the burrow. When you emerge you will find another control pedestal. Reconfigure the rooms so you can access Room 7 to get at key contained within. Be sure to pull the wall switch to the left of the pedestal to give easy access back here.

Room 7 – Dreadfuse
As soon as you enter you will encounter Dreadfuse. This fight is a repeat  of the one against the boss of the Sandship but you have a longer sword now. This fight plays out the same but the gangplank is shorter, making the battle shorter as well. Knock him all the way back three times to win the fight. Afterwards, grapple over to the other side using the Claw Shots. Head to the right of where you land to collect the small key.  If you are hurting from the fight then send the hook beetle out to collect hearts from around the room. After that, head back to the control room you just left.

Reconfigure the rooms so you can reach Room 1, with the Green Triforce icon. Head through the door to enter into Room 1.

Room 1 – The Cursed Room
Hopefully your stocks will permit a challenging trio of battles here. The first beyond the door is a pair of Moblins waiting for you. The first you must fight in melee but the others you stand a chance of doing some ranged damage before hand, if not just kill it at range. Head through the door to the next part. The second room is filled with Bokoblins, specifically six Archers and six Blue and Green. There is also a  pair of Stalfos thrown into the mix as well so be warned. If you approach either pile of bones they will raise and join the fight. Duck underneath an overhang to fight them and cut down the damage you might take from any remaining Bokoblin Archers. Once they are all defeated, head through the unbarred door on the left. Time for the final challenge here. The final room has a Stalmaster and a number of Cursed Bokoblins inside it. Focus more on the Stalmaster as it is the greater threat. If any of the Bokoblins pose a problem, just kill them with a quick combo and Fatal Blow. Kill them all to raise the door on the western side of the room and access the first piece of the Triforce, Courage. Pull the wall switch and head out of the room back to the control room.

You will need to change things around so you can access Room 4, likely through Rooms 6 and 7 to get the Triforce piece.

Room 4: Volcanic Room
Head to the left, onto the metal grate. Pull out the Claw Shot and hit the Thorn Bulb above you to create a platform in the moving magma. Take it down the opposite end but be sure, while en route, to use the Hook Beetle to hit the Red Gem by the next Thorn Bulb to create a current in the magma. As the platform starts to dissolve, hit the next Bulb to your right and jump over to it. As Link rides this one, again use the Beetle to hit a Red Gem, this time on the opposite side the room. This stops a secondary flow of magma and lets Link move forward safely. At the end of this ride, hop off onto the metal grate nearby. Pull down the lever to the left of the door to create a shortcut back to the entrance. Also be sure to launch the Hook Beetle to the far end of this passage and hit the Red Gem above the  Dragon Head statue. Now turn and knock down the Thorn Bulb to ride once again across the magma. At the end of this one, be warned there are Cursed Keese. Once again, you need to move from one flow of magma to another. This one ends a little different from the others as you need to jump onto a piece of rock that rises and falls. Take a moment and hit the Red Gem above the head of the Dragon Statue again to establish a magma flow on this side. Be sure to also launch the beetle into the small opening nearby you for a Silver Rupee. Now, as the rock you are on rises, use the Claw Shot on the nearby Thorn Bulb to create another platform to ride to the next metal grate. Quickly jump onto it, pull out your bow and shoot both Cursed Spumes. At the end of this ride, use the Claw Shot to grapple up to the ledge above. You will find the Dragon Emblem waiting for your sword. Collect the second Triforce piece, just one remains. Go and pull the wall switch that is nearby the door so you have easy access to all of this area. Be sure to climb the vines and explore the upper level as well to create a shortcut between the front and the back of the room. Now head back to the closest control room, in Room 7.

Shift Room 2 to be adjacent to Room 7. Head into Room 2 and go to its control panel. Now rotate all the other rooms around Room 7 so you can get into the final room you need to visit, Room 4.

Room 4: The Sand Room
First, after Fi talks with you, snipe the Electro Spume then dash over to the ledge to the south to collect the Time-Shift Orb. Carry it down and head for the center of the room. This will resurrect a Sentrobe, so deal with it then take the Orb over to where the Triforce icon is to deal with a pair of Technoblins. Now carry the Time-Shift Orb to the northern wall and place it below the barbed wire. Now head over to the southern part of the room and use your bow to hit the revealed target. This will lower the bars in the southwest. Grab the Time-Shift Orb and head through there. Deal with the Deku and Quadro Babas that are in your way. Before you turn the corner, just before where the Quadro Baba is shifted in, set down the Time-Shift Orb and walk over to the floor switch. This will raise a shutter on the opposite side of the room. Shoot an arrow at the target to reveal a Claw Shot target. Carry the Time-Shift Orb over to south end of the room once more, back to where you found it. Head north a little on the rocks that appear as you close in on the Claw Shot target. Hop over to the second platform on the rock and throw the Time-Shift Orb to the east, underneath the area with the Dragon Marking. This will make the barbed wire disappear and allow you to Claw Shot over and head into the adjacent room and claim the last piece of the Triforce, Wisdom.

Enjoy the cutscene that follows but be sure to keep your controller close at hand, this is not done just yet.