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Saints Row The Third Walkthrough Part 10 – Professor Genki

Saints Row The Third Walkthrough Part 10 – Professor Genki

Call Pierce to learn a little more about the reality show “Professor Genki's Super Ethical Reality Climax”. To get there from the end of Tank Mayhem head southwest along the road, making the third left. Now turn right when you pass under the train tracks. Just stay on the right and the mission will start. You get a quick scene explaining how the rules work for this part of the game show. You want to shoot anyone you come across except for pandas. To replenish your health, shoot the Nurse Genki icons.

Murder Time Fun Time
Get successive head shots and watch out for the money shot billboard that can pop up to finish it quickly. Speed and accuracy will see you through this and keep you alive longer than blindly charging in.

This particular round has 3 rooms to it.

Room 1: Target $1,000
Head forward and through the double doors in front of you. You start the game with 2:50 on the clock. Be careful leaving the start as there are flamethrowers are waiting for you just on the other side of the door. Just on the other side of the first wall you see is an “Ethical” target, shoot it for some quick cash. Head to the left and aim upwards at the Mascot on the walkway above. Move forward after you kill him and the electrical barrier pauses. There are two mascot brawlers waiting on the other side. Use one as a human shield, shoot the other, then kill the one you used as defense. Move up to the next barrier where you have four mascots shooting at you: Two from the divider in front of you, one on the left and one on the right; one is shooting at you from the divider in the back and the final one is shooting at you from the walkway above.

 As you move into Room 2 be careful as Flamethrowers line the walls and alternate fire.

Room 2: Target $1,000
Just as you come in there is a mascot in front of a Panda Target. Kill the mascot but do not shoot the Panda or you will take a penalty. Head right and kill the mascot shooting at you there. Once you move more in line with the opening, two more mascots will start shooting at you from the left from behind the concrete dividers there. Kill them all then head through the electrical barrier. Just on the other side of the barrier is a money shot target. You will also draw the attention of another mascot to your left. Head on toward the back of the room. There is a health target just before the entrance to the next room so be sure to hit it.

Room 3: Target $1,000
Immediately opposite you is a mascot with a rifle, shoot him down fast. Now turn toward the entrance to the right and kill the two mascots there who will be shooting at you. Head toward where you just killed the mascots and turn left. You have flamethrowers blocking the way periodically so wait for them to abate then dash through. Head all the way to the left, turn toward the entrance, shoot the mascot there. Now turn around and look at where you came from to spot a Money Shot target. Turn left and head forward.

Once you make the target just dash for the back of the room, dive over the barrier and you are done with Professor Genki's Super Ethical Reality Climax.

The mission cashes out for your prize money! You also unlock Pierce as a Homie you can call on.