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SWTOR Walkthrough - Hungry for Information- Smuggler

You get the mission "Hungry for Information" after completing "Desperate Times"

Open your mission log:

Hungry for Information
Skavak, a separatist traitor, has stolen your ship and cargo. Viidu believes that Reki, a Republic contact in Talloran, can help track Skavak down. To reach Reki, you'll have to help reduce the separatist forces occupying Talloran. You must defeat the separatists in Talloran before you can speak with Reki.

Defeat Separatist Forces 0/8

Exit Fort Garnik to the Southeast, then follow the road to Talloran Village. Kill 8 separatist units there. After that, you are free to meet with Reki. Your task now is to find Reki's Safe House. His Safehouse is in the Talloran central warehouse which is a big building on the west side of Talloran Village. Enter it and fight your way to the west edge of the building, then climb the ramp to the second floor. You will arrive at the Talloran Central Warehouse offices. Go South and enter the room to the west.

Reki is sitting on a bed, with two women next to him. He says you must be the hotshot freighter captain Viidu described over the holo. He tells you that the only place to find personnel data on Skavak would be at Mannett Point. He used to acquire quality goods at a discount on Mannett Point. He discovered all manner of shortcuts through the island's warehouses. He kept detailed schematics of every maintenance passage and tunnel there. Unfortunately, he had to abandon those schematics when he fled Mannett Point. The schematics are still in his former home. However, he short-circuited the building's door and sealed it shut when he left. The only way to re-open the door is by disrupting Mannett Point's power relays. Once you gain entry, you'll find his schematics cleverly disguised as an extraordinarily tedious treatise on bird watching.

Reki teaches you the code he uses to conceal the schematics, so that you don't die of boredom reading about rare waterfowl. For example, you will have to replace every mention of the Mantellian Flutterplume with the number three. Once you read his schematics, the way into the separatist computer station will become clear. But the separatists encrypt all their files. You'll need special equipment to decipher their data. That's Viidu's area of expertise, not Reki's.

Return to Viidu in Rendia Freight in Fort Garnik. Speak to Syreena. Throughout the conversation, you can [FLIRT] with her if you wish. After you are done talking to Syreena, speak with Viidu. He and Corso are eating a Roba steak. Viidu praises you on your nice work in Talloran. We're getting somewhere with this hunt for Skavak. Getting onto Mannett Point will be extra tricky. You have to swim there - when the separatists invaded, they blew up the only bridge leading onto the island. Turned it into their private resort. You'll be walking into the rancor's den, and you will be outnumbered a hundred to one.

SWTOR Corso and Viidu

If you download the separatist computer files onto a datapad and bring it back here, Viidu and Corso will handle the rest. Syreena walks in and tells Viidu that Rogun wants to talk to him on the holo, and sounds upset. Viidu tells her to stall him

Viidu reminds you of the plan: Disrupt Mannett Point's power relays, get inside Reki's old home and use those schematics to enter the separatist base. When you're in, slice into the separatist computer and download everything onto the datapad.

This completes the mission "Hungry for Information" and starts the next mission, "Security Breach"