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Saints Row The Third Walkthrough Part 17 – Pimps Up, Hos Down

Saints Row The Third Walkthrough Part 17 – Pimps Up, Hos Down

After “Trojan Whores” it is time to talk with Zimos again. He tells you he has a plan for some payback on the Morning Stars. Head over to his place.

Once there he explains what he is planning to do, selling you off in an auction. When the scene resumes you have a waving scene. Zimos will run up to you and return all your weapons to you. Head forward and to the right, toward the security room. There are three Morning Stars in the security room you need to gun down. GO to the other side of the desk and attempt to disable the security. Things do not work out so you need to go to the security room itself.

Head into the next room and you will have some Saints back up. There are about ten Morning Stars in the next room and one sniper in the back right of it. There are two more snipers who will make their presences known once you step into the main part of the room. One is ahead of you, across from the door you came in and he will have help too from a second sniper when you gun him down. The second is to the right at the top of the staircase in that direction. Again, there is a second sniper so be sure to get both. The Morning Stars will keep coming while you are inside this room so it is important to make it through in good time. Head for the front right, going down the staircase there. This will lead you to the security room at the bottom of the stairwell to the right.

Once you are there you have a gate door and three Morning Stars on the other side. Keep going on down the corridor, encounter three pairs of Morning Stars. More toward the back, as you pass through a door, you will have five Morning Stars to deal with. Take one of them as a human shield and unload on the others. Kill them, head to the next chain door and head through. You have another five Morning Stars to kill. Again, human shield and gun them all down. After that, head around the corner to encounter a few more.

Once all that is done you will find some double doors. On the other side are eight Morning Stars waiting for you. There is one in front of the door, five more in the right-hand corridor and three to the left past the first set of cages. Head for the marker to override the cell doors and let the girls out. While more Morning Stars will appear, you now are backed up by all the girls you just freed. They will start beating up the gang members, helping you out. Just be a little careful not to shoot them as well!

Now head straight across from the security override. It is time to go after their head of security. Zimos warns he is a big fellow. Take a moment and reload all your weaponry just in case though. Head for the next marker and through the nearby doorway.

When the scene comes back you have a brute, with a mini-gun … and your on something. If you have the RPG, pull the thing out and just blast the guy. Three rounds will kill him quick and easy. Otherwise, there are a lot things around the room that explode. For example, as the battle starts, get him to come forward nearby the propane tank then shoot the tank with a few rounds to get it to explode. After that, hide behind a stone pillar in the back of the room. There are a number of gas canisters to your right. When he gets close, detonate those. Once the Brute is down, the mission is over.

The mission cashes out for $8,000. This also unlocks Safeword as a Saints Crib