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The Witcher 2 Walkthrough Part 14: The Assassins Of Kings Part 2

After you finish the Rose of Remembrance quest, head to the pub and talk to Zoltan. He was initially sentenced to hang because he was suspected of collaborating with the Scoia’tael, so he may have useful information on Iorveth. Be persistent in your talk with him and he will eventually concede that yes, he has been working with Iorveth, and furthermore he knows of a place where the two of you could meet. Since the kingslayer Letho supposedly betrayed the Scoia’tael, perhaps Iorveth will be willing to help you catch him.

Follow Zoltan into the forest just to the right of Flotsam. Along the way he will inform you that the Scoia’tael use a secret password to identify their members. He will also shed some light upon his time collaborating with the elven insurgents. He even claims that the Scoia’tael offered him a high ranking position in their army, which he denied. Upon reaching the little forest clearing, Geralt senses archers in the trees and makes Zoltan say the password. An elven warrior will emerge from the brush and allow you passage to see Iorveth.

Take a right down the small forest path and follow it upwards to a clearing, where you’re supposed to meet Iorveth. Instead of the elf captain, however, you’ll be met with an Arachas, a giant spider-like creature. Draw your silver sword and prepare for battle. Cast Yrden and Quen  frequently and use quick, decisive attacks with your silver sword to drain the creature’s health. Loot the Arachas after you kill it.

After killing the Arachas, a group of Scoia’tael archers will materialize from the forest as Iorveth emerges into the clearing. Ask him everything you wish to know about Letho, Ciaran, and the Scoia’tael, as this will be your best chance to pick Iorveth’s brain. After exhausting your conversation options, Iorveth will admit that he knows where Letho is hiding; the kingslayer has made camp in the very elven ruins where Geralt and Triss searched for the Rose of Remembrance. Iorveth asks if you are ready to accompany him there. Tell him no, you have other business to take care of first. If you accept Iorveth’s offer to leave now, you won’t be able to do any more quests in the area. For this reason, it is highly recommended that you come back to the clearing after finishing the main quest Melitele’s Heart, as well as any side missions you have yet to take care of.