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SWTOR Walkthrough - Onwards to Dromund Kaas - Sith Inquisitor

You get the mission "Onwards to Dromund Kaas" after completing "Go to Dromund Kaas".

Open the mission log:

Onwards to Dromund Kaas
You've been sent to Dromund Kaas to meet with Lord Zash in her chambers and learn more about her plans for the map you retrieved. Board a Shuttle to Dromund Kaas.

Take the elevator to Dromund Kaas Departures. Board the shuttle and choose Dromund Kaas Spaceport as your destination. Alternatively, you will be offered passage aboard the Black Talon. This is a Flashpoint which is a longer mission and requires a group. If you can and want, you should find a group and do the Flashpoint for some good story and rewards. Otherwise, board the regular shuttle.

When you arrive in Dromund Kaas, Capital planet of the Sith Empire, Lord Zash has asked you to meet her in her chambers in the Sith Sanctum in Kaas City. But first you must check in. Use the Arrivals Console in docking bay 0-17 of the spaceport.

While checking in, you encounter Darth Skotia and his bodyguard Skeesk. He is passing and wants you to get out of his way.

Your options are:
You tried to have me killed
Yes, my lord.
I don't care who you are.

SWTOR Darth Skotia

Don't be afraid to choose the third option. It will net you 40 affection points with your companion, Khem Val. Darth Skotia becomes angry. He wants you to give your master a message for him. His eye is on her, and he knows what she is trying to do here on Dromund Kaas. He alone has the key. He again asks you to get out of his way. You can reply:

Lend a hand, Khem.
Yes, my lord.
Why don't you just die.

Choose the first option for yet another 40 affection points with Khem Val.

Your mission log should be updated now:
You've finally arrived on Dromund Kaas, capital planet of the Sith Empire. Lord Zash has asked you to meet her in her chambers in Kaas City; However the roads between the spaceport and the city are known to be particularly hazardous. Your best bet will be to take a speeder into the city. Speak to the taxi droid outside the spaceport, and take a speeder to Kaas City.

Go south, and take the elevator to the Dromund Kaas Spaceport level. Exit the spaceport through the west exit into Dromund Kaas. Make sure to Bind yourself near the exit, then take the speeder into the city by choosing the Kaas City Entrance taxi as your destination. When you arrive, go west and then north to enter the city.

Lord Zash's chambers are located in the Sith Sanctum, within the Citadel on the far side of the city. Go to the Kaas City Central Taxi and take it to the Sith Sanctum. Reach the Imperial Citadel and travel north to the Sanctum. Open the map to locate Zash's quarters to the far north. Enter the story area. Speak to Zash. She is upset to hear that Darth Skotia is going behind her back, trying to intimidate you.

Darth Skotia is a wretched monster. More machine than man and dangerously powerful. Ever since Zash arrived on Dromund Kaas as an apprentice, he's made every effort to stand in her way. Ultimately, we cannot even begin the search for Tulak Hord's ancient power with Skotia's rattling breath on our necks.

The dialog wheel pops up:
We have to stop him.
So we're stuck
We should kill him

Suggest killing Skotia for 15 affection points with Khem Val. Lord Zash says that you are going to be the one to kill Darth Skotia. Choose "No Problem" from the next dialog wheel to get 15 more affection points. Lord Zash cannot be tied to Skotia's murder. Brazen power plays make the Dark Council nervous. But nobody will believe that a mere apprentice could defeat Skotia. It's impossible, and that's why it will work. Ask her for instructions.

Zash has begun to piece together the puzzle for Darth Skotia's destruction - but some elements have yet to fall into place. Out in the jungle, a group of slaves has recently revolted. They were working on a colossal statue that has since gone unfinished. Lord Zash believes Skotia is hiding something of great importance near this statue. Get the archaeological plans to the area from one of the slaves and contact Zash by holocommunicator.

This concludes the mission "Onwards to Dromund Kaas" and starts the first mission on Dromund Kaas, "At the Foot of the Colossus".