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SWTOR Walkthrough - Dreams of Korriban - Hutta

Go to the Poison Pit on Hutta and talk to Gianna inside to get this mission.

Gianna: Excuse me, stranger. I don't miss to be overly familiar, but I think you're just the kind of person who can help me. My coward of a husband has taken my son, and I need someone with the wit and muscle to bring him back.

The dialog wheel pops up:
He must have had  a reason
I don't care
I'm not surprised he ran

Choose the first option to ask for the reason her husband took her son. She accuses her husband of being both a coward and a fool. Her son is gifted in the Force. He has the ability to train on Korriban and become Sith! Her husband trained on Korriban. He had his chance at glory but he failed. Now he runs errands for a slimy Hutt. She will not have her son do the same. She wants you to help her.

Your dialog choices:
Is there a reward?
Why not talk to him yourself?

If you choose the third option, Gianna explains that her husband once trained to be a Sith. The fact that he didn't finish doesn't diminish his skills as a fighter. She says she will pay you well if you help her, so agree to do the mission.

Her husband took her son to the shuttle port. A comm officer there who owed her a favor contacted her when they showed up. She warns you to be careful, as her husband may not be willing to walk away peacefully.

Open the mission log:
Dreams of Korriban
A woman named Gianna has asked you to retrieve her Force-sensitive son, Zi'am. Giana wishes to send Zi'am to the Sith Academy on Korriban, but her estranged husband Kendrel, a washout of the Sith Academy, has kidnapped Zi'am. A comm officer named Mekks told Gianna that Kendrel and Zi'am were spotted in the spaceport. Head to the Jigunna spaceport and speak with Mekks.

Open your map and locate the Jiguuna Spaceport to the west. Speak to Mekks. He points you towards Gianna's husband who comes with his son. Your dialog choices are:
I spoke to your wife
Just a little talk
Your cooperation, or else

If you are feeling mean, choose the third option to threaten him. Kendrel is upset that his wife is so determined for their son to become Sith that she hires a bully to threaten him. He was once an acolyte at the Academy on Korriban. There's no failure at the Sith Academy. Those who can't cut it, die. Kendrel got wise and fled before they could kill him, and he will die before he sees his son eaten alive by those Sith dogs.

Kendrel begs you to let him take his son and flee, and asks that you tell his wife you persuaded him and they took the shuttle to Korriban. She won't know any different. Your choices are:
All right. I'll lie for you. (LIGHT)

The first option gives you 100 dark Force points, as you murder Zi'am's dad. The kid agrees to go home.

Dreams of Korriban SWTOR

The second option grants you 100 light Force points. Kendrel promises he and Ziam will leave right away, and you will never hear from them again.

You should now go back and speak with Gianna.

If you killed Kendrel and had Zi'am return to her, she thanks you for that. Soon, Zi'am will be on a shuttle to Korriban. You did what was needed. She gives you your reward as promised. Zi'am may hate her for getting his father killed, but she hears hate and grief make for a fine Sith. You get credits, experience points, as well as a Hutta Commendation for your reward.

If you let Kendrel leave on the shuttle, she is upset and wants to know where her son is. You lie to her and tell her that you put him and his dad on a shuttle to Korriban yourself. You get the same reward.

A few days later, you receive mail. If you murdered Kendrel and sent the kid to Korriban, the letter reads:
From: Overseer Harkun
Subject: Zu'am on Korriban
I understand you are responsible for the acquisition of a new student for the Sith Academy - a boy named Zi'am. He recently came under my tutelage, and I wished to thank you. Zi'am is uncooperative, foolish and unappreciative of his gifts. He spends most of his time whining about his father - the one you murdered. But while he may be unpleasant company, he is passionate - which gives him great potential in the dark side. The Academy is grateful for your assistance. Consider yourself duly rewared

If you had let Kendrel escape with his son, the letter reads:
From: Kendrel
Subject: Escaping Hutta
I didn't get a chance to thank you for helping my son and I escape Hutta. Now, with a few hundred light-years behind us, it occurs to me how much I owe you. If Gianna had managed to send Zi'am to korriban, he'd be in dead in a matter of months  - or he'd have become a monster. I've seen too much of the Sith Academy to think otherwise. Now the boy has a chance. If he's gifted in the Force, I'll teach him what I can and keep him away from Sith and Jedi. There must be somewhere in the galaxy where we can find peace. Thank you for your compassion, however you found it.

Either letter will have a small credits reward attached to it, so be sure to loot before discarding.

This concludes the mission "Dreams of Korriban".