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Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 6 – Dwarf Noble Origin

Dragon Age Origin Walkthrough Part 6 – Dwarf Noble Origin

You are with Gorim, your long time servant (and for female dwarves, something more than a friend). You can just head for the Provings or head out, out to the Diamond Quarter to get some weapons and armor.

Head on out of the room you start in to the east. Head into the door you see a young female dwarf come out of. You will find she is something of a mistress for your brother, Bhelen. If you can, pick the chest to the right of the bed for some loot. Be sure to look at the pile of books as well for a codex entry on “House Aeducan, Shield of Orzammar”. Head on back to the east and keep going. Head southwest when you can.

From here you have a choice. You can simply head to the throne room to advance the plot or you can take some time and head out into Orzammar to see the sights, buy stuff from the vendors in the Diamond Distict, or head down one more level to the Common Quarters and watch (or participate) in the Provings head in your honor.

If you want to go shopping, head out of the castle and go to the right. You can intervene between a scholar and a noble dwarf who is very unhappy with a book he has recently published. You can take either side in the argument easily. There are no rewards outside of roleplaying. Keep going south to find Prince Trian. Deal with him as you would wish, it is a good way to set the relationship between yourself and your older brother. Explore more to find a weapon and an armor merchant.. Across from the armor merchant you will find two casteless women looking for nobles. If the Dwarf is male, you can set up for a “fade to black” scene and open up the “Of Noble Birth” quest later on in the game. The weapon merchant will have a dagger to show you. You can choose to take it or not. Be sure to visit the Magic Merchant. You will encounter a number of social scenes as well, letting you see the Dwarven society properly. Head for the common quarter to simply be taken to the Proving itself.

Once at the Proving you can choose to watch a few fights or participate in four rounds. None of these fights are too hard. The reward is a custom made helm, just talk with the Proving Master to receive it. You can also send it to your final opponent, Frandlin Ivo. This helm will only last for the origin story so you can equip it for the boost or sell it when you return to the Diamond Quarter. To return, just talk with the Royal Escort.

Head on back to the castle and go to the Throne room and meet your Father. You can also talk with Lord Dace. He requests your attention about a pending vote about the Surface Caste. He wants you back allowing the surface dwelling dwarves of noble origin to be able to reclaim their rights. Make your choice on the matter and continue forward. You can talk with Lady Helmi to hear the other side of this argument. Make whatever choices you would like. If you confront Lord Dace and press the matter, choosing “Not so fast” and “Your schemes shame my house”, you will be challenged by him. Head across the room and you can talk with Duncan, the Grey Warden. Approach the throne to face your father.

Find Trian
Go to his room, at your father's command to retrieve your brother. Once he leaves, Bhelen will inform you of Trian's plot to assassinate you. After this, you go to sleep and it is time for some more battle.

A Noble Expedition
You dive right into the battle after a quick briefing. You will be sent on a specific mission to retrieve the Shield of Aeducan. Head forward to the right, into the tunnel. As you head down the tunnel, you will attacked by a spider none too far in. Be careful as there is a trap around the next corner which can be avoid by moving through the passage on either side of it. AT the next intersection, two Genlocks will attack you. Be sure to loot their bodies and include the dwarven corpse to the east as well. Head to the west from here.

You will find Frandlin Ivo to be the first scout. Collect him and explore this area You can also head south to find some extra darkspawn to kill. There are six Deepstalkers in this passage. At the end of ityou will find a dwarf corpse with some loot on it. Head down the southeast passage to find more Genlocks. Be wary of the leg traps and the barrel there as well. The one nearby all the darkspawn is rigged so do not interact with it unless you are disarming it. The locked chest has a nice weapon for you in this area so keep it in mind. Continue down this passage to find the second scout.

From here you can head down the passage to the west to continue on. You will encounter a fair group of Genlocks, one of which is a Leader. Focus on the leader first as he is the strongest one. Kill them all, loot the bodies and look into the eastern corner. There you will find a locked chest with a shield inside it. Keep moving on to the southwest to continue. There you will find Darkspawn corpses.

Make your choice of dialogue and head inside. You will face down an assassin. You can play along, persuade him or just kill him. Your choice. It is easy enough to kill them all, especially if you take a captain down first. After the carnage loot his body to find your family's signet ring. Head over to the thaig chamber in the back left to make for the shield. Once inside just go forward to start the puzzle to claim the shield. Interact with the sarcophagus. Now place your men on the pressure plates by changing over to them. One need to go each of the pressure plates. One is just a little to the right of the sarcophagus. One is in front of the sarcophagus, close to where you came in. The third is to the left of the sarcophagus. After that is done, use the signet ring to open up the sarcophagus. Arrange your party as shown in the photo below.

Once everyone is in place, use the Signet Ring to claim the shield. It is time to head back to the crossroads. Once back in the main chamber you will find a horde of darkspawn on you. Kill the Blight Wolf first then take care of the rest. Be wary of traps as well. Kill them and head for the crossroads. As you get closer to the crossroads there will be a quick cutscene where you can show your stance on what Bhelen told you. Make your choices and head forward.

If you kept your faith in your Brother, he will be deal. Otherwise he will be alive and after you. Regardless, your brother and father will appear just as you are standing over the body of your brother. The scouts will betray you as Bhelen's trap snaps around you. You are now taken to prison.

The Exile
Head forward and talk with Gorim. He will point out that the Grey Wardens are in the tunnels nearby where you are to be placed. Head on south. You will encounter a number of darkspawn as you move forward. Be sure to collect the armor for any dwarven corpses that you happen upon. Be wary of traps that have been lain out as well. Be sure to thoroughly explore the the first chamber to the right of the main road. There you will find a number of Genlocks but also a lot of treasure and a good amount of armor. After that, continue to the south.

At the next intersection, explore a little. You will find some treasure but also two Deep Stalkers and a Giant Spider. Now continue on south. As you go around the next bend you will encounter another Genlock and a leg hold trap. Keep to the sides to avoid the trap. From here, head to the west, to the Deep Road, to find the Grey Wardens. If you go east there are four deep stalkers that need to be killed but beyond them are two corpses ripe for looting. Collect these goods then meet up the Grey Wardens to finish this Origin Story.