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Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 18 – The Broken Circle, Part 2

Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 18 – The Broken Circle, Part 2

Having re-emerged from the Fade, back to reality, it is time to honor Niall's request and take the Litany from his body. Search the room to find the Soldier corpse with a Grey Iron Dagger and three health poutlices. Head through the nearby door. Next loot the cabinet you find on the right (for an Iron Magic Staff) then start heading around the outer hallway toward the Harrowing chamber. Be sure to also go at the Charred Corpse as it has a lesser injury kit and The Libertarian's Cowl.

Next in the hallway you will find a Drake. It is a harder fight but still very winnable. To the right of where you fought the Drake, look at the book to get the codex entry for “”The Legend of Calenhad: Chapter 2”. Next look at the pile of books to further update the “Extracurricular Studies” codex entry. Go through the door in the northern part of the room.

In the next room you will find yourself fighting six Dragonlings. While not too hard overall, it does take something to beat them. Just continue to the north after you beat them. In the next corridor you will encounter four more Sloth Abominations. Head into the first room on the right in this corridor. Inside this room is just a locked chest. This is a hard to pick chest but it has a Lesser Injury Kit inside it and a Journeyman Flame Rune. Head into the second room in this corridor. Search the vase in the back of the room for a Lesser Injury Kit and the locked chest for a number of potions and the Redsteel Beastman's Dagger. Return to the corridor and go through the door at the end of it.

In this room you should head to the right. There are a few things to collect in this room. As you close in on them, you will find it is not an empty room. It has a Greater Rage Demon and three Shades guarding everything in the back of the room. The soldier's corpse has health poultices and a Yew Shortbow and the locked chest has 2 Enchanter Cowls inside it. With all that, head to the south and to the door beyond. Continue onto the next room. Just head on up the stairs toward the Harrowing Chamber. You will find a Templar who has been tortured. After a long talk, where you set your course for the next part, it is time to head up the stairs to the Harrowing Chamber.

The Harrowing Chamber
Inside the chamber you will see Uldrid transforming the mages one by one into Abominations. After that, you can talk with Uldrid to learn of his motivations behind all of this. After all that, it is time to fight him.

Immediately as the battle starts, use the Litany.
360: Radial Menu – Advanced
PC: Action Bar (if it is not there, set it there!)

If Wynne is in your party then keep an ear on her. She will always call out when Uldrid is trying to possess a mage and bring a new abomination into play. Use the litany when you hear her mention anything about it. If you watch the area where the mages are, be on alert for white rings appearing around them. It is another sign that Uldrid is trying to change them. If you want to side with the Mages here, this is the only way.

When the battle starts, set into the Abominations if they get in your way, focus on Uldrid. Just keep pounding at him to resolve this matter quickly. Just remember to watch the other mages to ensure Uldrid does not get any reinforcements.

When the battle is over, talk with Irving, if he survived the encounter. Now you will see the resolution of the whole matter. With that, the Circle will either rise from its ashes or be made anew from the ruins of the old.

It is also now, if you side with the mages, that you can ask Irving to bring aid to Redcliffe and deal with the Demon inside the Arl's son.