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Resident Evil Revelations Walkthrough Part 2: Double Mystery (Chris)

The second episode of Resident Evil Revelations will put you in Chris’ shoes and introduce you to his new partner, Jessica. You will begin this episode in the Arctic in search of B.O.Ws. From your starting location, move forward down the snowy path. Your attention will be drawn to a crashing plane as it touches down in the mountains ahead. Follow the path into a small clearing, where the plane crash has decimated the area.

Handgun ammo rests on a piece of metal debris near the entrance to the crash area, and a corpse that you can scan sits off to the right, inside of a cabinet. Keep following the charred path, over the skid marks and through the area where the plane has been torn in half. In this area, look to your left to find a notepad containing information about a new type of B.O.W that the plane was supposedly transporting. As you may suspect, it won’t be long before you encounter these creatures for yourself. For now, though, keep moving through the crash site. Open the cabinet to your left right after the area where the plane had split in two to find a strange substance, one that Chris suspects has some viral properties. Scan the goo to confirm these suspicions.

Now walk forwards, through the hull of the crashed plane. Open the door to the cabin to be greeted by the corpse of the pilot. Examining the flight controls will reveal that they had all been short-circuited, while examining the dead pilot will cause Chris and Jessica to ruminate on the possibility of this being the result of the Veltro terrorist organization. Grab the Flight Plan from the corpse as evidence and move to the left, out of the cabin. Break the crate right outside of the cabin to get more Handgun ammo.

This path will take you into a series of icy caves. Jump down into the main portion of the caves to trigger an attack by infected wolves. These must have been the new B.O.Ws that the plane was transporting. These enemies will charge you and jump onto you, knocking you over when they get close. It can be quite annoying, so kill them with your shotgun as they charge you to avoid this. Kill the wolves and move left to find another crate containing more Handgun ammo. Follow the path and more wolves will eventually jump out at you. Kill them as well and search the area for Handgun and Shotgun ammo.

Several more wolves will attack as you make your way deeper into the caverns. Along the way you should find a new item, the B.O.W Decoy. These items will be invaluable towards the end of this section, so be sure to pick up every one you find. The path will branch off into two directions, but feel free to follow either as they both lead to the same place. Jump down to the lower level and another group of the wolves will attack. Don’t use the B.O.W Decoy just yet, though. Instead, use your shotgun to kill them when they get close. Handgun and Shotgun ammo will be waiting for you on the table. A B.O.W Decoy and a Green Herb are also nearby.

Follow the path as it converges back upon itself and leads you to a cliff face outside. Multiple boxes of Handgun ammo, B.O.W Decoys, and Green Herbs will be waiting for you here. Loot all of the boxes. Approach the cliff back inside and make sure that your pistol is reloaded and ready to go, and that you have your B.O.W Decoys equipped. Hit the Y button to jump across the ledge. As Chris lands, the cliff face will collapse from under him, plunging him down into a clearing below. His leg has been injured, and he can’t get up. Jessica will search for a path down to help him, but in the meantime you will have to defend yourself against the hoards of attacking wolves.

This is where the B.O.W Decoys really come in handy. There are more waves of the wolves than you might think, however, and conservation and restraint are still the keys to winning this battle. Take out the first group of wolves with your pistol. Try to take out the second wave this way as well, only using a B.O.W Decoy if you are dangerously close to death. From here on out, feel free to toss out the Decoys. They will beep, attracting nearby B.O.Ws and exploding when too many of the creatures get close. Don’t worry if you accidentally toss one at your feet, as Chris is impervious to the damage from the traps in this section.

When Jessica makes a colorful comment about her sweet butt coming to rescue you, that’s when you will have to fight one last massive wave of the wolves. Make sure that you have saved at least one B.O.W Decoy for this situation, although it is really best to have two. The larger wolves are your biggest threat here, and if you can’t take them all out with Decoys you should focus your fire on the large enemies first. Jessica will appear in the clearing with her shotgun and help you to clean up the remaining wolves, although she is not exactly the brightest bulb in the bunch and you should not rely on her to kill the wolves for you.

After defeating all of the B.O.Ws, Jessica will help Chris up and he will mysteriously be able to walk just fine again. Jessica will question Chris about whether or not he really trusts her as much as his old partner, Jill. Chris reassures her before moving out. Walk towards the ladder to climb back up. From here, walk through the gate to emerge outside. A cutscene will trigger. Chris and Jessica will find an airstrip suspiciously situated in the middle of the Artic wilderness. Surmising that this is where the crashing plane was headed, the pair looks on through binoculars. As they conduct their surveillance, the Chief will call them with an urgent message. It appears as though Jill and Parker are really the ones who need rescuing, as the entire situation on the ship was merely a ploy to attract Jill. As the Chief fills Chris in, Jessica will spot a Veltro insignia on the airstrip. The Chief orders Chris and Jessica to leave the area and head to the ship for a rescue mission. This will end the first part of episode two and transfer you back into Jill’s shoes for a chilling escape from the ship.