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Resident Evil Revelations Walkthrough Part 3: Double Mystery (Jill)

After running around in the Arctic with Chris, you will be back in the shoes of Jill. You will awake in an empty room. Head to the door to discover that you are locked inside. Examining the fuse box next to the door will cause Jill to say that she needs a screwdriver. Go into the bathroom and lift the toilet seat to find a screwdriver taped to the bottom of the seat. Grab it and go back towards the door. Suddenly, one of the creatures will burst from the wardrobe.  As you are unarmed, a tutorial will pop up explaining how to dodge. Dodge past the creature and it will smash through the TV, getting its head temporarily stuck.

This is your cue to run to the fuse box and use the screwdriver, initiating a mini-game. Touch the four screws in the corners to remove the face of the fuse box, then touch and drag each of the nodes into place. Arrange the nodes so that they’re on each of the glowing spots. The end result will be in the shape of a diamond. Unlocking the door will trigger the creature to escape from the TV and come after you again, so don’t dawdle in the room before leaving.

Handgun ammo will await you upon your exit from the room, although you don’t have your weapons yet. Grab it anyway. You will be met with two doors, one that is chained closed and one that is not. You can’t break through the chain until you get your weapons back, so go through the other door. A Green Herb and an enemy will await you to the right. Grab the Herb and leave, going through the other door. As the hall makes a right angle, you should come across a painting hung on the wall. Examining the painting will reveal a safe, although you can’t open it without some sort of access card. Still, removing the painting now is helpful as it will help you find it again later.

Go down the corridor and hang a left to keep away from a group of monsters. Enter the room here. You will be in what appears to be another bedroom, but there is Handgun ammo and a Shotgun here. You can’t get the shotgun yet, however; you must first find the Crest to insert in the proper spot first. Leave the room for now and go back down the hallway, towards a new room. Enter this room to find one of the creatures eating something. Either move around the enemy or shoot it while it’s distracted. Run to the door and hold Y to push the shelf away from the door, and then hurry through the door and down the stairs. Hang a left to meet up with Parker.

Follow Parker. He will point out a B.O.W Decoy, which you should grab. Walk through the doors ahead and go to the left to find a file that you can read. There are several enemies in this area, but you can navigate around the room to confuse them and proceed through without actually fighting them. Go through the next room in the same way. You will find Handgun ammo to your right and Custom Parts ahead of you. Custom Parts allow you to power up your weapons, so be absolutely sure to grab those before leaving. The ammo case in front of the Custom Parts is the first of many that will allow you to customize your weapons. If you would like, you can use the Customer Parts you just found to increase the power of your Pistol. As Handgun ammo is the most prevalent kind of ammo, this is probably a safe investment.

Retrace your steps through the two rooms with multiple enemies in them to return to the dining hall. An enemy will await you there. Shoot it. Afterwards, examine the area by the gated-off door with your scanner to find some hidden Handgun ammo and scan the turkey right behind you to find one of the hidden Handprints.

Now go to the other side of the room. Turn to the left and look at the corner. Upon first glance it looks empty, but look at it through your scanner and you will see otherwise. Scan it and go through the door to find more Custom Parts. Finally, head back into the dining room and go up the stairs towards the start of the area. Run through the door and follow the path around the corner to find a cabinet, which you should scan to receive more Handgun ammo.

Go down the hall and make a left, heading through the door. You will see a shelf. Scan the shelf to receive still more Handgun ammo. Near the shelf is a group of lockers that contains Shotgun shells and a Green Herb. Go through the door, down the stairs, and hang a left. When you turn the corner you can scan the floor to find a Grenade. Scan the central of the large windows looking out over the sea to find another hidden handprint. Walking further into the room will trigger a cutscene and put an end to the episode.